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Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects: Bringing Ruby on Rails to Java

Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects: Bringing Ruby on Rails to Java

书名:Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects: Bringing Ruby on Rails to Java



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作者:Ola Bini
出版日期:September 24, 2007
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1590598814 ISBN-13: 978-1590598818

Product Description
Discover how JRuby on Rails can be used to create web applicationsfaster and more efficiently while still taking advantage of the vastpower of the Java platform.
Ruby on Rails is proving itself to be one of the most efficient andpowerful agile web development application frameworks available and hashad a profound influence on the Java community. The JRuby projectoffers Java developers the best of two worlds: the flexibility of Rubyon Rails coupled with the enterprise-level power and maturity of theJava platform.
JRuby core developer Ola Bini covers everything you need to know to take full advantage of what JRuby has to offer, including
Full coverage on how to use JRuby to create web applications fasterand more efficiently, while continuing to take advantage of the vastpower of the Java platformSeveral real-world projects that illustrate the crucial specifics you need to know about the interaction of Java and RubyHelpful, practical instruction and discussion on how webapplications can be deployed using a variety of popular servers such asApache and MongrelWhat youll learnCreate a Rails application that uses JDBC to talk to legacy databases.Use Java Management Extensions (JMX) to more effectively manage your application.Deploy a Rails application within a Java Enterprise web container (Tomcat).Create interoperable applications involving EJBs and Rails-driven web services.Securely integrate XML processing into your Ruby applications.Build cutting-edge Web 2.0 web sites using Rails, Prototype, and script.aculo.us to provide a pleasing user experience.Build four important projects: Store, CMS, Admin tool, and a web library project.Who is this book for?Youll get the most from this book if you have medium-to-advancedskills in Java web development, with a little Ruby experience, and areinterested in taking Web development to the next level, both in termsof speed and features and in interoperability with existinginfrastructure.
About the Apress Practical SeriesThe Practical series from Apress is your best choice for getting thejob done, period. From professional to expert, this series lets youapply project-motivated templates (or frameworks) step by step in avery direct, practical, and efficient manner toward current real-worldprojects that may be sitting on your desk. So whatever your careergoal, Apress can be your trusted guide to take you where you want to goon your IT career empowerment path.
Related Titles from ApressBeginning POJOs: Lightweight Java Web Development Using Plain Old Java Objects in Spring, Hibernate, and TapestryBeginning Ruby on Rails: From Novice to ProfessionalThe Definitive Guide to GrailsAbout the Author
Ola Bini is a longtime developer from Sweden who started at an age of 9years with Basic, on an Apple IIc; from there on he learned C, C++,Assembler, Lisp, Java, Ruby, and various other languages. He has noformal education except for a few Sun Java certifications. He hasworked with system development at Karolinska Institutet since 2001 andruns his own consulting company (OLogix Consulting) in his spare time.He has contributed to various open source projects and is one of thethree core developers of the JRuby project.


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