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JavaFX: Developing Rich Internet Applications

JavaFX: Developing Rich Internet Applications

书名:JavaFX: Developing Rich Internet Applications



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作者:Jim Clarke, Jim Connors, Eric J. Bruno
出版日期:June 11, 2009
出版社:Prentice Hall
ISBN:ISBN-10: 013701287X ISBN-13: 978-0137012879

Build Rich Applications that Run on the Desktop, the Web, Mobile Devices…Anywhere!

Using JavaFX, developers and graphicdesigners can work together to build robust, immersive applications anddeploy them anywhere: on the desktop, on the Web, and on millions ofJava-enabled mobile devices. JavaFX lets you maintain your existinggraphics and seamlessly integrate them into Java applications. Plus,JavaFX Script is a declarative language that allows you to preserveyour investment in the Java platform while allowing more creativitywith JavaFX’s Rich Internet Application environment.

JavaFX™: Developing Rich Internet Applicationsbrings together all the knowledge, techniques, and reusable code youneed to quickly deliver production-quality solutions. Writing for bothdevelopers and designers, the authors explain how JavaFX simplifies andimproves the RIA development process, and they show how to make themost of its ready-built components and frameworks.

JavaFX™ coverseverything from data integration to multimedia, special effects toREST. The authors present a full chapter of code recipes and a completecase study application. This book’s wide-ranging content includes

Building and running JavaFX programsUnderstanding the role of graphics designers in creating JavaFX Graphical AssetsWriting fast, efficient JavaFX Script programsUsing data binding to simplify Model-View-Controller application designCreating rich user experiences with JavaFX visual componentsBringing user interfaces to life with lighting, reflection, and other special effectsAdding motion with the JavaFX animation frameworkIncorporating pictures, sound, and videos in your applicationsCreating RESTful applications with JSON and XMLWriting JavaFX applications that make the most of the underlying Java platform
The Java™ Series is supported, endorsed,and authored by the creators of the Java technology at SunMicrosystems, Inc. It is the official place to go for complete, expert,and definitive information on Java technology. The books in this Seriesprovide the inside information you need to build effective, robust, andportable applications and applets. The Series is an indispensableresource for anyone targeting the Java platform.
About the Author
Jim Clarke, principaltechnologist with Sun Microsystems, has spent twelve years developingwith the Java platform. He has worked with JavaFX for more than twoyears and served on the JavaFX compiler team.
Jim Connors, a long-timemember of Sun’s system engineering community, has spent a decadehelping customers leverage Java technologies ranging from Java Card andJava ME to Java EE and JavaFX.
Eric Bruno, systems engineer at Sun, is author of Java Messaging (Charles River Media, 2005) and Real-Time Java™ Programming (Prentice Hall, 2009) and is currently contributing editor and blogger for Dr. Dobb’s Journal.


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