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Practical Liferay: Java–based Portal Applications Development

Practical Liferay: Java–based Portal Applications Development

书名:Practical Liferay: Java–based Portal Applications Development



文件大小:22.18 MB

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作者:Poornachandra Sarang
出版日期:April 30, 2009
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1430218479 ISBN-13: 978-1430218470

Liferay Portal is the leading open source enterprise portal framework that uses the latest Java and Web 2.0 technologies.
Web portals often function as a point of access to information onthe World Wide Web. Web portals, such as Yahoo!, present informationfrom diverse sources in a unified way. Aside from the search enginestandard, web portals offer other services such as e–mail, news, stockprices, infotainment, and various other features. Portals provide ameans for enterprises to supply a consistent look and feel with accesscontrol and procedures for multiple applications that otherwise wouldhave been separate entities altogether.
So, how do developers bring existing applications, as well asintegrate content management systems and search engines, into a portal?And how do developers get started with the Liferay Portal engine? In Practical Liferay: Java–based Portal Applications Development, Dr. Sarang answers these questions and more.
This book is for those who want to learn how to use Liferay todevelop vertical or company–specific web portals and beyond. The bookwill serve as a practical guide to learning Liferay and developingreal–world web portals.
What you’ll learnBecome an expert of the Liferay Portal engine.Create dynamic web portals.Use template–based design for easy fit and form.Design and integrate discussion forums, chats, and IM.Build blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, and more.Use Liferay for developing Java–based content management software.Deploy and manage portal administration.Who is this book for?This book is for web and portal developers who use Java to build Web2.0 portals for their company, enterprise, or even personal use. Thebook does not require any programming background and will be veryuseful for web developers in learning practical portal development.
About the Author
Dr. Sarang in his long tenure of 20+ years has worked in variouscapacities in the IT industry. Dr. Sarang provides consulting andtraining in Enterprise Architecting, Solution Architecting, Design andDevelopment to a large number of clients worldwide. He has been aconsultant to Sun Microsystems for several years and his recentengagements include Director, Architecture for Kynetia (a Spanishorigin MNC). He has been a recipient of Microsoft’s Most ValuableProfessional (MVP) award for two consecutive years. He has spoken inseveral international conferences on Java/CORBA/XML/.NET organized byO’Reilly, SYS–CON, WROX, SUN and Microsoft in various countries such asIndia, USA, UK, Switzerland, Singapore, and so on. He has been invitedto deliver keynote speeches in highly–acclaimed Microsoft ArchitectSummits and several other prestigious events. He has several researchpapers, journal articles and books to his credit.
Dr. Sarang has been a Visiting Professor of Computer Engineering atUniversity of Notre Dame, USA and currently holds a position of adjunctFaculty at Univ. Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Mumbai where heteaches post–graduates courses, provides project guidance topost–graduate students and guides Ph.D. students. His current researchinterests include Distributed Systems, Mobile Computing and AlgorithmDevelopments. He may be reached at [email protected].


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