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Deploying QoS for Cisco IP and Next Generation Networks: The Definitive Guide

Deploying QoS for Cisco IP and Next Generation Networks: The Definitive Guide

书名:Deploying QoS for Cisco IP and Next Generation Networks: The Definitive Guide



文件大小:10.08 MB

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作者:Vinod Joseph, Brett Chapman
出版日期:April 24, 2009
ISBN:ISBN-10: 012374461X ISBN-13: 978-0123744616

Srinivas Rao Mulugu, Prinicipal Architect, Wipro Infotech Company
“The engineering cadre of enterprise and service providerorganizations would find the book beneficial. Also, this book would beof good use for universities and training institutions, given that theconfiguration templates have been included ? impressively for both IOSas well as IOS-XR. Also, as the definitive trend towards NGNs takesshape, more and more engineers from the traditional voice-telecomdomain would be looking for knowledge on IP networks and in particularQoS in IP networks….I would expect that given the topics the bookaddresses, the book would be relevant for several years. Given that theCRS-1 platform of Cisco is the next generation platform that isdesigned to last for close to a decade, it is not inconceivable thatthe book has relevance for that entire period. The comprehensivenesswith which the topics have been covered indicates to me that this bookwould indeed be a definitive guide for a long time to come.”
Shanmuga Sundaram, Information Technology Manager, Dell
“I feel the book is very relevant and much needed as on date. Most ofthe hardware covered is of relevance to our organization as they arethe current and new generation products of Cisco. From an applicationstandpoint ? this book is clearly a good source as it covers many ofthe applications and services we are currently evaluating. We arecurrently in the process of evaluating Cisco Telepresence, and thisbook will surely help us deploy such applications as per bestpractices.”
Vijayakumar M, Deputy General Manager Network Operation and IP Service Engineering, Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited.
“I think the book is very well organized, would help not onlyarchitects but the provisioning guys too, as a ready reference….Ipersonally worked with Tony Jeffers, Vinod Joseph and Brett Chapman onthe various TATA projects. And they have the background of the saidsubject, which was demonstrated during the project phase.”
Mahesh Kumar Jothi, Network Consulting Engineer, Cisco Advanced Services, Global Services Practice ? Service Provider Solutions.
“First of all , I am impressed with the overall initiative of puttingtogether the NGN QoS deployment and to disseminate the knowledge theseindustry experts have gained over years. The contribution will besignificant enough to the entire ?Internetworking Community? as I seedeploying QoS for NGN is a biggest challenge and the Technical know-howis very low. As this book has proposed to cover the topics relating toQoS for next generation Cisco’s IOS XR , this will be a significantcontribution in educating all the Network Engineers and NetworkArchitects.”


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