Ajax: Creating Web Pages with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (CHM 英文版)
(CHM 英文版)
By Edmond Woychowsky
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Pub Date: August 08, 2006
ISBN-10: 0-13-227267-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-227267-4
Pages: 432
Learn how Ajax works, how it evolved, and what it's good for
Understand the flow of processing in Ajax applications
Build Ajax applications with XML and the XMLHttpRequest object
Integrate back-end code, from PHP to C#
Use XSLT and XPath, including XPath Axis
Develop client-side Ajax libraries to support code reuse
Streamline development with Ruby on Rails and the Ruby programming language
Use the cross-browser HTML DOM to update parts of a page
Discover the best Ajax Web resources, including Ajax-capable JavaScript libraries