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XML 介绍
XML 的用途
XML 语法规则
XML 元素
XML 属性
XML 的有效性验证
XML 校验器
支持 XML 的浏览器
浏览 XML 文件
用 CSS 显示 XML
用 XSL 显示 XML
XML 数据岛
XML 解析器
现实中的 XML
XML 命名空间
XML 服务器
XML 应用程序
XMLHttpRequest 对象
XML 保存数据

XML 语法规则

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1146 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

The syntax rules of XML are very simple and very strict. The rules are very easy to learn, and very easy to use.

Because of this, creating software that can read and manipulate XML is very easy.

An Example XML Document

XML documents use a self-describing and simple syntax.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>

The first line in the document - the XML declaration - defines the XML version and the character encoding used in the document. In this case the document conforms to the 1.0 specification of XML and uses the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1/West European) character set.
文档的第一行 —— XML声明 —— 定义XML的版本和文档所使用的字体编码,在这个案例当中,文档使用的是XML1.0规范,字体设置是ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1 / West European[西欧字体])

The next line describes the root element of the document (like it was saying: "this document is a note"):
第二行描述了文档的根元素 (如同它所说的那样:"this document is a note"):


The next 4 lines describe 4 child elements of the root (to, from, heading, and body):
接下来的4行描述了根元素的4个子元素 (to、from、heading 和 body):


<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>

And finally the last line defines the end of the root element:


Can you detect from this example that the XML document contains a Note to Tove from Jani? Don't you agree that XML is pretty self-descriptive?
你能从这个案例中发现这份XML文档包含了一个 Jani 发给 Tove 的信息吗? 难道你不赞同XML是非常具有自我描述性质的语言吗?

All XML Elements Must Have a Closing Tag

With XML, it is illegal to omit the closing tag.

In HTML some elements do not have to have a closing tag. The following code is legal in HTML:

<p>This is a paragraph
<p>This is another paragraph

In XML all elements must have a closing tag, like this:

<p>This is a paragraph</p>

<p>This is another paragraph</p>

Note: You might have noticed from the previous example that the XML declaration did not have a closing tag. This is not an error. The declaration is not a part of the XML document itself. It is not an XML element, and it should not have a closing tag.

XML Tags are Case Sensitive

Unlike HTML, XML tags are case sensitive.

With XML, the tag <Letter> is different from the tag <letter>.

Opening and closing tags must therefore be written with the same case:

<Message>This is incorrect</message>

<message>This is correct</message>

XML Elements Must be Properly Nested

Improper nesting of tags makes no sense to XML.

In HTML some elements can be improperly nested within each other like this:

<b><i>This text is bold and italic</b></i>

In XML all elements must be properly nested within each other like this:

<b><i>This text is bold and italic</i></b>

XML Documents Must Have a Root Element

All XML documents must contain a single tag pair to define a root element.

All other elements must be within this root element.

All elements can have sub elements (child elements). Sub elements must be correctly nested within their parent element:



XML Attribute Values Must be Quoted

With XML, it is illegal to omit quotation marks around attribute values.

XML elements can have attributes in name/value pairs just like in HTML. In XML the attribute value must always be quoted. Study the two XML documents below. The first one is incorrect, the second is correct:
如同HTML一样,XML元素可以使用包含 “名称 / 值” 这样成对出现的属性值。在XML里,属性值必须写在引号里。看看下面这两个XML文档:第一个是错误的;第二个是正确的:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<note date=12/11/2002>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<note date="12/11/2002">

The error in the first document is that the date attribute in the note element is not quoted.

This is correct: date="12/11/2002". This is incorrect: date=12/11/2002.
这样书写是正确的:date="12/11/2002";这样书写是错误的: date=12/11/2002。

With XML, White Space is Preserved
在 XML里,空格是被保留的.

With XML, the white space in your document is not truncated.

This is unlike HTML. With HTML, a sentence like this:

Hello       my           name         is         Tove,

will be displayed like this:

Hello my name is Tove,

because HTML reduces multiple, consecutive white space characters to a single white space.

With XML, CR / LF is Converted to LF
在XML中, CR / LF 会被修改为 LF

With XML, a new line is always stored as LF.

Do you know what a typewriter is? Well, a typewriter is a mechanical device which was used last century to produce printed documents. :-)

After you have typed one line of text on a typewriter, you have to manually return the printing carriage to the left margin position and manually feed the paper up one line.

In Windows applications, a new line is normally stored as a pair of characters: carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF). The character pair bears some resemblance to the typewriter actions of setting a new line. In Unix applications, a new line is normally stored as a LF character. Macintosh applications use only a CR character to store a new line.
在Windows应用软件中,新的一行通常被储存为一对字符:打印架推回(carriage return 简称CR),新行补给(line feed简称 LF)。设置字符对与打印机设置新行时的一系列动作有相似之处。在Unix应用软件中,新行通常被储存为”LF”字符,苹果机[Macintosh]应用软件只使用”CR” 字符来储存新行。

Comments in XML

The syntax for writing comments in XML is similar to that of HTML.

<!-- This is a comment -->

There is Nothing Special About XML

There is nothing special about XML. It is just plain text with the addition of some XML tags enclosed in angle brackets.

Software that can handle plain text can also handle XML. In a simple text editor, the XML tags will be visible and will not be handled specially.

In an XML-aware application however, the XML tags can be handled specially. The tags may or may not be visible, or have a functional meaning, depending on the nature of the application.

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