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Internet Explorer 5 introduced DHTML behaviors. Behaviors are a way to add DHTML functionality to HTML elements with the ease of CSS.
IE5 introduced DHTML behaviors. Behaviors are a way to add DHTML functionality to HTML elements with the ease of CSS.
How do behaviors work? By using XML we can link behaviors to any element in a web page and manipulate that element.
DHTML behaviors do not use a <script> tag. Instead, they are using a CSS attribute called "behavior". This "behavior" specifies a URL to an HTC file which contains the actual behavior (The HTC file is written in XML).
behavior: url(some_filename.htc) |
Note: The behavior attribute is only supported by IE 5 and higher, all other browsers will ignore it. This means that Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape and other browsers will only see the regular content and IE 5+ can see the DHTML behaviors.
The following HTML file has a <style> element that defines a behavior for the <h1> element:
<html> |
The XML document "behave.htc" is shown below:
下面列举的是XML文档 "behave.htc":
<attach for="element" event="onmouseover" handler="hig_lite" /> function low_lite() |
The behavior file contains a JavaScript and the event handlers for the script.
行为文件包含了JavaScript 和处理脚本程序的事件处理器。
Try it yourself (mouse over the text in the example).
尝试一下 (把鼠标移动到文字上方).
The following HTML file has a <style> element that defines a behavior for elements with an id of "typing":
下述HTML文件包含一个ID为"typing" 的元素的行为<style>元素:
<html> |
The XML document "typing.htc" is shown below:
<attach for="window" event="onload" handler="beginTyping" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function beginTyping() function type() |