当前位置: 首页 > 网络学院 > 网页制作基础教程 > XHTML > XHTML 摘要
This tutorial has taught you how to create stricter and cleaner HTML pages.
You have learned that all XHTML elements must be properly nested, XHTML documents must be well-formed, all tag names must be in lowercase, and that all XHTML elements must be closed.
你已经意识到所有的XHTML元素都应该合理的嵌套, XHTML文档形式上必须符合规范,标签得使用小写, 所有的XHTML元素都得有始有终
You have also learned that all XHTML documents must have a DOCTYPE declaration, and that the html, head, title, and body elements must be present.
你同样意识到XHTML文档必须得有 DOCTYPE 声明, 而且html, head, title, 和 body 元素都得出现
For more information on XHTML, please look at our XHTML reference.
The next step is to learn CSS and JavaScript.
CSS is used to control the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once.
With CSS, all formatting can be removed from the HTML document and stored in a separate file.
CSS gives you total control of the layout, without messing up the document content.
To learn how to create style sheets, please visit our CSS tutorial.
JavaScript can make your web site more dynamic.
A static web site is nice when you just want to show flat content, but a dynamic web site can react to events and allow user interaction.
JavaScript is the most popular scripting language on the internet and it works with all major browsers.
JavaScript 是非常流行的脚本语言,它可以在目前所有流行的浏览器上运行
If you want to learn more about JavaScript, please visit our JavaScript tutorial.