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XForms Actions are handling response to events.
XForms 行为可处理对事件的响应。
The XForms element <message> defines a message to be displayed in the XForms user interface.
XForms 元素 <message> 可定义一条显示在 XForms 用户界面的消息。
Look at this simplified example:
<input ref="fname"> |
In the example above, the message "Input Your First Name" should be displayed as a tool tip when the user focus in on the input field.
在上面的例子中,当用户把焦点集中在此输入域时,"Input Your First Name" 这条消息可作为工具提示被显示处理:
The event="DomFocusIn" defines the event to trigger the action.
event="DomFocusIn" 可定义触发行为的事件。
The level="ephemeral" defines the message to be displayed as a tool tip.
level="ephemeral" 可定义作为工具提示来显示的消息。
Other values for the level attribute are modal and modeless, defining different types of message boxes.
level 属性的其他值是 modal 和 modeless,可定义消息框(对话框)的不同类型。
The XForms element <setvalue> defines a value to be set in response to an event.
XForms 元素 <setvalue> 可定义在对某个事件做出响应时被设置的值。
Look at this simplified example:
<input ref="size"> |
In the example above, the value 50 will be stored in the instance element <size> when the form opens.
在上面的例子中,当表单打开时,值 50 会被存储在实例元素 <size> 中。