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设计理念 中的 创建具有友好性的研究型网站

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1760 ::
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Nowadays, the most popular source of research works is the Internet. In fact it has already shrunk the world into bytes. All the information, data, facts, truths as well as the confusing principles and ideas are pushed into the World Wide Web for the users to have access and knowledge of their existence.


Research is an important part of our existence. Without it bright ideas will never luster, innovations will lose its existence and progress will only be true in our dreams. Research is our driving force. It makes us knowledgeable and when we are knowledgeable we clamor for more knowledge and be the best in our industry.


Research therefore, is a continuous aspect in our lives. We have to satisfy one urge in order to alleviate to another prospect. Thus, we must make our site Research-friendly so as to accommodate everybody's need for research. But how do we do it?


First, there must be CONDITIONING of the mind. Know your target market. As a site especially catering to the research needs, you must provide the visitors the perspective most convenient to them. Give them easy options and let them adjust to your process quickly and effortlessly.


Next, in giving them information and instructions, make sure that they understand your lingo. Shower of technical terms will definitely annoy them. Much as well, give it in the usual parlance.


If the term is too technical, DEFINE it. The term or concept may be foreign to them, so have the grace to explain it to them. That is the most conducive way of informing your viewers.


Then, provide an excellent overview of your site and if ever there are processes that need to be discussed, better discuss them for their complete understanding. Give them the 'COMPLETE PICTURE' and if necessary give them the salient little details.


If you are into products, give the viewers a grasp of what it is all about, how it will help the viewers and also give them the advantages that it can part them. You can even compare your products to the ones already out in the market. If you are into services, like web design services, give them the idea why they should get your services. What are your process, specialty and priority? Are the things that you should relay to them? Your ideas, concept and knowledge will influence their decision whether to get your services or not.


Finally, make sure that vital information are easy to find. The keyword is ORGANIZATION. If you have a verbose site, never forget to use a good search tool for easy searching.


Guarantee that your viewers will definitely find the details, definitions, explanations and 'call for action' at one sight. If they do not find it, then, your site is a useless piece of crap!


It pays off to have a research-friendly site. Aside from the fact that the visits will uplift your search engine rankings, it will also boost credibility and elicit trust among viewers. As a result, you will have more purchases and subscriptions than your competitor.


Be sure that your site will aid them to decision-making. Not just any decision, it must be a decision that will be most favorable to you.


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