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设计理念 中的 下拉表单:第三部分

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1327 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a


Intro Pages
- if you have one, remove it. People have come to your site for information, not for a slide show.

介绍页面 如果你拥有一个介绍页面,那么,删除它。人们来你的网站是查找信息的,并不是来看幻灯片的。

Animation - don't use it. Animations for mouseovers or other user-controlled animations are okay. If you're going to annoy your visitors with animation, you might as well do it with animated ads - at least they make money.

动画 不要使用它。最好采取那种“鼠标经过”或“用户控制”的方式来播放动画。如果你的动画使访问者感到心烦意乱,那么你还不如播放动画广告,至少还有点收入。

Sound - don't use it. There's nothing worse than doing some midnight web surfing, and suddenly being assaulted by a MIDI file blaring in your ear, and not knowing which page it's coming from. User-requested sound is perfectly acceptable, however.

声音 不要使用它。在半夜上网时,没有事情比这更糟了;MIDI文件突然响起,那对你的听力简直是一种杀戮,更糟的是,访问者还不知道是哪张页面在播放声音。用户只会接受那些用户希望听到的声音。

Backgrounds - if you have one, remove it. These get in the way of text and look bad 95% of the time. I often find sites where I have to press Ctrl+A or select text to make it readable over a busy or colored background.

背景 如果你拥有一个背景,那么请删除它。大概95%的包含背景的页面都会妨碍文字阅读。我在访问网站时,通常会按下Ctrl+A选择文本,让它在充满复杂颜色的背景下变得容易阅读。

Frames - don't use them. People can't bookmark individual pages of your site. People will often not enter through the main page of your site. People are forced to "learn" what's a frame and what's not, and work out your frame structure.

框架 不要使用它们。人们不会把你站点的单独一个页面加入收藏夹。人们通常不会直接从主页进入你的网站。人们被迫要知道什么是框架而什么不是,并且,他们还要勾画出你的框架结构。

Expanding Menus - these are Java menus that expand when the mouse cursor moves over them. These are a form of "mystery meat" navigation, where you're forced to move the cursor over the object to see what's in it. These menus will also expand when you move your mouse cursor over them, whether you want them to expand or not.

扩展菜单 当鼠标移动到这些Java菜单上面时,它们就会弹出来。这些是“肉之谜”导航系统的一种类型,你必须将鼠标移动到该物件之上才能看到里面的东西。当你的鼠标指针经过这些菜单时,它们也会展开,不管你喜不希望他们展开。

Flash - this program is excellent for product demonstrations and other interactive features. The sad reality, though, is that these examples of good usage of Flash are few and far between. The vast majority of the time, Flash adds nothing to a site, and is a source of annoying animation and other effects. Because of Flash's flexibility, Flash-based sites tend to be totally non-standard, forcing the user to "learn" the site, and often preventing them using normal browser features, such as cutting/pasting text, bookmaking, increasing font size, and using the mouse scroll wheel.

Flash – Flash

The Golden Rule

The purpose of a website is to convey information to visitors as easily as possible.


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