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设计理念 中的 下拉表单:第一部分

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1368 ::
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These topics represent the most common criticisms I have about sites I'm asked to review - both on the Pageweb forums, and through emails I receive.


The issues I raise below are not hard-and-fast rules, but a series of points to consider in the design of your site. Depending on the type of site you run, some of these rules may not apply. I even break some of these rules myself. :)



Is the navigation and layout the same on every page of your site? As the designer of your own site, you know exactly how to get around your site. Other people don't, and they don't want to have to learn. There should be a main menu at the top or side of your page, and this menu should be on every page of your site. The links on this menu should lead to all the pages of your site. If your site is large, each of these links should point to a section of your site, instead of a page. Each of those sections may have its own sub-menu, but the main menu should always remain visible, so people know where they are.


If you have multiple main menus, a changing menu system from page to page, or pages not on any menu, people will get lost. The objective is to have your navigation be dead simple. (Simplicity is the key theme of this whole article.)



There are two main styles of design - realistic design, and flat color design. These styles both work, but they shouldn't be mixed.

这里主要有两种设计风格 现实主义设计和平面色彩设计。这两种风格同时存在,但又不能混淆。

Realistic design is where the elements of a page are represented as they are in real life; objects are textured, light falls on them, and they cast shadows below them.


Flat color design presents a web page as a diagram, using simple colors and photographs, and is the most common form of web design.


The biggest mistake people make is combining these styles. New designers are often very keen on using their new tricks - bevelling things, giving them a shadow, applying gradients, and adding effects. These things, when used improperly, lead to very amateurish looking websites. It's far better to aim for simplicity and achieve it, than to aim for the sky and get half way there. If you have any of these things on your site, try removing them.

人们所犯的最大错误就是将这两种风格混淆在一块。新设计师通常保持使用他们全新的风格 如果是一个倾斜的物体,就会为它们增添一个背影,应用一个倾斜度并添加一些效果。这些东西如果不能正确使用将会导致网站大失水准。坚持“简单路线”并努力实现它是最好的选择;不要把目标定了很高,最后只实现了一半。如果你的网站出现了上述的不足,尝试着删除它们。

Keep it simple.


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