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设计理念 中的 网站设计公司:第二部分

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1448 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

Key words/ phrases
关键词 / 短语

The heart of any PPC campaign lies in its key word/phrases. The best way to choose key words/ phrases is to research your product and target audience. Make a list of relevant words and choose 2-3 main words that best suit your product and audience. When deciding on your keywords/phrases keep in mind the following: ? The business model ? Client need ? Target market ? Key word location ? Local customs and languages ? Bidding amount Keywords/phrases can establish the quality and quantity of your audience. But bidding extravagantly on key words can be the downfall of a business.

所有的PPC活动的核心都离不开关键词 / 短语。选择关键词的最好方式就是去调查你所出售的产品和目标客户。列出相关单词,并从中选择2-3个与你的产品和客户最为合适的单词。选择你的关键词/短语时必须考虑下面的这几个方面:经营模式是什么?客户需求是什么?目标市场在哪?关键词所处的位置在哪?地方习惯和使用的语言是什么?与出价相关的关键词可以提高客户的质量和数量。但是,滥用关键词反而会对商务活动造成不利影响。

Bidding Your PPC success is controlled by your willingness to bid and budget the amount for an ad placement. Correct bidding on Key words is essential; do not become fixated on the top bid position, depending on your product or service lower positions like 5-6 can also generate high traffic.


Never underestimate the generating power of a key word on a search engine, pay the bid price necessary. Also, never pay exorbitantly for a keyword, it defeats the purpose of making money through PPC. Constantly test and upgrade your key word for performance on generating traffic. Research your cost per action, conversion rate, value of a buyer, before determining your click price


Landing Pages

Highly relevant landing pages are proven to increase website actions. The problem is most websites tend to direct all of their click-through's to their home page. These pages are designed to for multiple users, like the current clients, sponsors, press, investor etc. They do not immediately serve the visitors need, which leads to the users frustration and abandonment. For the PPC to pay, Landing pages need to be PPC optimized.


The Landing pages should be separated from the homepages
.They need to be designed specifically for PPC campaign. They have to be keyword or key phrases optimized .They need to be focused on user relevancy and need to be consistent.


Done with precision and constant research on search engine trends, customer behavior and market analysis, making money from PPC can be just a click away


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