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WEB设计综合 中的 透明 IFrames

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 2157 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

If you don't already have a basic knowledge of IFrames, click here. OK, let's get started! To make the backgrounds on your IFrames transparent, copy the code below.


<div style="position: absolute; top:300; left:400"> <IFRAME src="PAGEURL.htm" name="frame" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe></div>

Edit all of the numbers. The width and height determine how big your IFrame will be. The top and left numbers determine where the IFrame will be placed on your site. The larger the number for the top position is, the further down it will go. The larger the left number is, the further right it will go. Keep altering these numbers until you are happy with them. You also must change PAGEURL.htm to the url of your IFrame. Now copy the code below, and paste it into the <head>  tag of the page you are linking to (in other words the page that you replaced PAGEURL.htm with).

编辑上面代码中的属性值,widthheight定义了IFrame的大小。Top left定义了IFrame位于页面中的具体方位。Top值越大,它就位于页面中最越靠下面的地方;Left值越大,它就位于页面中最越靠右面的地方。你可以根据你的要求随意地更改这些数字,直到你满意为止。同时,你必须将PAGEURL.htm添加到IFrameURL中。接下来,复制下面的这段代码,将它粘贴到链接页的<head>标签中(换句话说,就是粘贴到你替换PAGEURL.htm链接的页面上):

<style> <!-- BODY { background-color: transparent; } --> </style>



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