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Okay everyone, I'm going to teach you the basics of what you need to know about HTML. HTML stands for HyperText Mark-up Language, and you can see by that little text bit there how it gets the abbreviation. Now, lets get stuck into it and i'll show you what a HTML page is made up of.
The structure of any basic HTML page is setup like this:
<HTML> |
Ok, I know what you are thinking, "What the hell does all this mean?" Well don't worry, i'll tell you right now ;)
The things with the greater and less than signs and text in them are called tags. The <HTML> tag at the start of the structure is telling the browser that all of the HTML stuff begins right there. At the bottom of the page you will notice that the HTML tag appears again, only this time it has a / before the text. This is an end tag, and it ends whatever HTML command that has been started. For example, if I wanted bold text, like this, i would have to put this tag <b> at the start of the text i wanted to be bold, and this </b> at the end, to stop the text being "bolded" any further. Ok, back to the tutorial...
The following tag, the <HEAD> tag is the header section of the page. This is used to put in many different items so the browser can read them easier and knows where to put them, but for now, the only thing that is there is the <TITLE> tag. Whatever you put in the title tag is what will show up in the top bar at the top of your page. The next part, after the close tags for the head and title section are used, comes the <BODY> tag. This section is for the stuff that will actually be displayed on your webpage. This can be text, pictures or any other thing you want, but I will explain how to add some of those later on ;) Then the structure ends off with the end body tag and the end html tag.