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WEB设计综合 中的 在网页设计中颜色的重要性

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1350 ::
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color-in-web-designing.jpg A website is basically a marketing tool, representing the companies, products and services it is also a reflection of the companies personality, ideologies and philosophies. It is definitely a heavy burden to carry for a mere website, but it dose. Huge corporations spend millions of dollars to determine the perfect color for the branding and packaging of their product. This is due to the fact that the perfect blend of colors increases the profitability of their product. The same rule applies to the designing of your website.


网站不光是基本的营销工具,还象征着公司,产品以及其服务,它还可以反映公司的个性,意识形态以及哲学理念。这对于纯粹的网站来说有点负担沉重,但 事实如此。大型公司往往会花费数百万美圆来决定在他们的产品包装上使用哪种颜色的商标。事实上这正是由于理想的混合色可以提高他们产品的收益率。在你所设 计的网站上也有着相同的准则。

Color impacts your user on many psychological and physiological levels. Your site’s color scheme can have a dramatic impact, either positive or negative on your potential success. Color is an important element of website designing. In Website designing of color is as critical as the design of graphics and layout.



Color and its Effects on Website Designing

Once a visitor has come to your site you have around 8 to 10 seconds to visually appeal to the user and turn them into customers. Since Color affects our feeling, perceptions, and interactions, you can use colors to feel a user feel welcome, comfortable, relaxed, and secure. Before choosing the colors of your website it is important to get a basic understanding of color and its effects.

一旦有访问者光临你的站点,你有大约8到10秒的时间在视觉上吸引用户然后将他们转而成为客户群。因为颜色可以影响我们的情绪,感觉以及交感,你可 以通过颜色让用户感觉到受欢迎的,舒适的,放松的以及安全的。在为你的网站选择用色之前来了解一些基本的颜色以及其所能带来的效果。

Warm colors

Warm colors are based on yellows, oranges, browns, yellow-greens, and orange-reds, colors. Warm colors have a tendency to be aggressive and exciting, so it’s best to apply them in small doses. Intermediary colors Purples and greens are intermediary colors that are either warm or cool, depending on amount of red or yellow they have in ratio to blue. If the color contains less blue then it is leaning towards a warm hue, and if it has more blue then it is more towards the cool side.


Cool colors

Cool colors are based on blues, greens, pinks, purples, blue-greens, magentas, and blue-reds. Cool colors tend to be soothing, calming colors and can be used in large amounts.


Neutral Colors

Neutral Colors include white, black, gray and colors that contain a large amount of gray. Neutral colors are great for back-grounds and for enhancing the effect of warm colors.



Multi-colored sites have the lowest visitation time, as a combination of warm and cool colors confuses the user. It will often make the site seem cluttered and ambiguous. So it is best to choose a couple of colors and stick to them.


Color Harmony

Too much color can be disturbing and chaotic, whereas too little can be boring. It is best to use a balance. So it’s best to Use only a few different colors on a page. Avoid using an excessive amount of colors, blend and use warm and cool colors.


Computer Color Display

Computer monitors display colors using different amounts of red, green, and blue, these are called RGB color. This is an additive form of color, because red, green, and blue light in equal amounts “add” up to white light. All other colors are formed on screen by mixing the amounts of the RGB color. Since RGB color is completely different from the way colors are set in print, it has to be used differently.


Web Color

A common problem on the web is that color often does not reproduce correctly in Websites. The reason is related to bit-depth, a color may be beyond the range of the viewing display setting. Alternative colors may be reproduced, or color shifting may happen. Even if a visitor’s system is capable of displaying a color, technical features like hardware age to Gamma control may cause color distortion. Such problems not only cause aesthetic problems but ay also result in visitor retention issues. Given today’s technology, color management in the Web can be taxing. Browser-safe palette The browser-safe palette of 216 colors gives consistent and conventional results across the Mac OS, UNIX, and Windows platforms. Even though computers today can render millions of colors, you should use browser-safe palette if you think your website will be viewed from a 256 color computer, which can be the general case. It’ll be more effective if you limit the color palette to 2 or 3 major colors with shade variations, as it is visually more appealing. Plus limited colors means smaller file sizes and faster loading.

在WEB上有个普遍的问题,这就是网站上的颜色经常不能够准确的显示。原因涉及颜色的深度,颜色可能会超出显示器所能显示的范围。这时候就可能换用 可显示的颜色,或者就直接忽略。即使访问者的系统可以显示颜色,由于技术上的原因,比如硬件老化导致Gamma控制偏差使得颜色失真。这类问题不仅造成审 美问题,还会影响到访问者的逗留。以目前的技术,显示器虽然可以呈现数以百万计的颜色,我们还是应该使用浏览器安全色,这216种颜色可以在Mac OS,UNIX以及Windows上显示一致,而且可以确保那些256色的计算机也可以正常访问,而且使用安全色的图片可以大大减少文件所需要的空间大 小,可以让网页加载速度更快。

Text Colors

Be exceptionally careful when setting text and background colors, Readability must be preserved at all costs. If the text is light colored then the background has to be dark and vice a versa. White and black always make a good combination, and red and blue are useful for highlighting. Try to avoid using the combination of black as a back ground with warm color text, as it might be great clarity wise but has a tendency to make visitors nauseous.


Colors are a powerful tool, it’s the first! The first impression of your site, so keep in mind the above points when deciding on the color scheme of your site.


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