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WEB设计综合 中的 HTML基础

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1524 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

Basic HTML stucture looks similar to this:



Place your page's main content in between <body> and </body> (text, images, links, etc...) Place things like CSS, meta tags, and titles in between <head> and </head>. To change the background color of your page, replace <body> with:


<body bgcolor="red">

In other words, you are adding bgcolor="red". You can change red to any color you like (blue, silver, black, orange) or, you can use HEX codes to get a more specific color. For example, #000000 is black, and #FFFFFF is white. HEX codes consist of six characters, either letters or numbers. Here is a HEX code chart:

换句话说,你添加了bgcolor="red"。你可以通过修改“red[]”属性将页面背景改变成你自己喜欢的颜色(如blue []silver []black []orange []);或者,你还可以使用16进制色彩代码来获取更多的颜色。如:#000000代表黑色、#FFFFFF代表白色。16进制代码由六位字符组成,每个字母都是一个数字。下面列举了16进制代码图表:

hex code chart

To use an image as your background, copy the code below, and replace the <body> tag with it.


<body background="IMAGE URL">

Replace IMAGE URL with the url of the image you want as your background. To change the color of your text, use the code below:

将“IMAGE URL”替换为具体的图像所在的链接路径,从而放置你喜欢的背景图片。你可以通过改变下面的文本代码来改变文本颜色:

<font color="#000000"> text text text</font>

Replace #000000 with the HEX code or color you want, and replace "text text text" with your text. To create an image, use the code below:

将“#000000替换为你所希望的颜色代,将“text text text”替换为你自己的文本内容。通过下面的代码创建图像。

<img src="IMAGE URL">

Replace IMAGE URL with the url of the image you want to show up.

将“IMAGE URL”替换为具体的图像url

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