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The advanced way, and the easiest way to do CSS is to link to an external style sheet. Here I will sow you how. If you are new to CSS, I reccommend reading the basic CSS tutorial first.
First, open up notepad and put all your styles in. One of the great things about external style sheets is that you don't have to put in the <style> tags, just the code that normally goes in between them.
Put all the code in that you want, but it might be best to just start with something like this:
body{font-color:#CCCCCC} |
Got that? Go to file-->save as and save the file as style.css It must have the .css extension, otherwise it won't work.
Open up the file that you wish to apply the style to, and put this into the <head> </head> tags of the page:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> |
If you gave your .css file a different name, you will have to change it in the code above. 如果你为.css文件定义了一个不同的名称,你需要对上面的代码进行更改。
That is all there is to it! 完毕!