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设计理念 中的 创建好网站的20点建议

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1774 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

20_tipsDesigning a good website seems to require an endless checklist of chores: organize and select the materials, photograph the artwork, write a bio, an artist statement and an updated resume. You need to decide how to display the materials, what color scheme will look best with your art, what fonts will compliment your work... and more!


Don't give up! I have compiled 20 important points that Artists should keep in mind when designing their website. Keep these guidelines as checkpoints during your site creation, or to check and improve an existing site.


1. Keep it simple. Don't try and put every piece of information about your career or display every single piece of artwork you ever created. Choose relevant information that will keep the site simple and elegant. Try and include materials that reinforce your site's purpose (is it to sell work? Attract new collectors? Or present a portfolio to galleries?).

保持页面简洁 不要试图把个人资料和每一件作品都放在网站中。只选取适当的信息,以保持网站的简洁和美观。根据网站的目标,尽量使用适当的材料(到底是要交易作品,还是要吸引收集者,或者是要为观众展示一下艺术品?)

2. Keep your file size low. People viewing your site don't necessarily have a high speed connection to the internet, so be aware that too many images or too many large files can slow a site down significantly. Remember that a lot of people will not wait for a site to download! Keep your jpgs at 72 dpi, and try not to have images over 540 pixels in any direction. You can also try and minimize the number of large files (music and video are typically very large) in any one page.

文件内容适当 用户在进入网站后,网络连接速度没有必要很快,所以应该意识到,图像太大或者是文件内容太多时,网站运行速度就会明显减慢。要记住,没有几个人愿意等待网站下载东西给他们看。保证每张jpg格式的图片都以72dpi的点阵格式全部显示出来,尽量不要使用超过540像素的图片。在任何一个网页中,占用内存多的文件数量要尽量减少(音乐和影视文件是典型的这样的文件)

3. Keep your navigation simple. Do not try and have too many categories or too many layers in your navigation system. Keep the placement of the navigation buttons consistent: if you choose to have your links on the left side, keep them there throughout the site and don't scramble the order of your buttons from page to page!

导航系统简单 最好不要在导航系统中设置太多的分类,也不要设立太多的层次。导航按钮设置要协调:如果“链接”在网页的左边,那么每个网页上位置就都应在那里,不要随便打乱位置。

4. Have your own domain name . If your aim is to impress galleries and collectors, make sure they know you take your art seriously: your own domain name looks more professional, can be easier to remember, and can be more search-engine friendly! Registering a domain has become quite affordable: typically between $10 and $15 a year with hosting costs between $5 and $15 a month.

注册域名 要让观赏者和收藏者对网站的印象深刻,就要让他们知道你是如何严肃认真地建设你的网站的,这就要做到:域名要专业,容易记,并且还要容易被搜索引擎找到。注册域名的成本不是太高,一般每年10美元到15美元之间;另外还有每月5-15美元的虚拟主机成本。

5. No under construction page. If you are not done building a page, don't link it to your site. People's time is precious: don't waste it by announcing a category... then have that category be blank!

避免出现未设计好的网页 未设计好的网页,不要在网站上建立连接。用户的时间是宝贵的,如果发布那些仅包含目录的网页,那纯粹是浪费浏览者的时间。所以,请尽量不要浪费他们的时间去看那些空白的网页。

6. Prominent contact info. Your site is a marketing tool: you can get potential collectors and galleries to discover your work. Make sure they know how to reach you when they fall in love with your art!

联系方式显著 网站就是一个销售工具:通过网站可以吸引潜在浏览者和收藏者来发现你的网站。所以要保证用户对网站的内容感兴趣后,如何联系你。

7. Label all artwork. Images on the internet give no sense of scale or medium; it is therefore extremely important to label each piece of artwork with dimensions and materials used to make the work. Labeling your pieces with their price can be valuable if your aim is to sell online.

标注作品信息 如果只罗列网上的图片,访问者不会对作品的等级有所了解,所以很重要的一点是,要把作品的体积、材料都标注出来。把作品的价格标注出来可以使作品更容易在网上被卖掉。

8. Include a brief Art statement and resume. Keep in mind that text is difficult to read on the screen. As an artist, you must include an art statement and resume (people want to know about you), but keep both brief. A few paragraphs for an art statement, and 1 to 2 typed pages for a resume. If you must have a complete resume, give the viewer the option to print the document as a pdf.

简单介绍作品和作者 一定要记住,访问者并不喜欢在网上读文章,所以设计者要简单明了地介绍一下你的作品和你自己。可以用几张照片介绍一下作品,再用几句话简单地介绍一下自己。如果你希望完整的介绍自己,那你可以向浏览者提供一份pdf格式的文档。

9. Keep your text simple. Sans serif fonts such as Arial are easier to read on the screen. Don't overuse bold and italics which make text harder to read and can get confusing.

文章简洁 在网上阅读诸如像Arial这样的Sans serif类的字体比较舒服,不要大量使用黑体和斜体,这样读起来会不舒服,容易混淆。

10. Avoid underlined text. Underlined text is usually reserved to indicate a link: avoid using underlined text that is not a link to prevent confusion and frustration.

避免使用下划线 文章中的下划线经常会有一个暗示的作用,假如不用此类文章,用户就不会在某种暗示下产生混乱和沮丧的感觉。

11. Keep your color scheme subdued. Don't blind your viewers! Avoid a bright yellow background with red text!!! Bright colors can be difficult to look at on a screen, especially for text. Keep your color scheme with low saturation colors

色彩搭配缓和 搭配的色彩不能让观赏者感到眼花缭乱,比如说,把一篇红字体的文章放在明黄色的背景下,这就是一种错误的搭配。在电脑屏幕上明亮颜色的字体让人读起来不舒服,尤其是读文章的时候。色彩的搭配要使文章的色彩保持低饱和度

12. Avoid background image. Background images can slow the site down, and unless properly done, will tile and look unprofessional. Background images also tend to make text harder to read.

避免出现背景图像 背景中出现图像能使网站运行速度变慢,并且如果安排不恰当,就会使网站显得不专业。当然,这样的背景也会使文章很难读。

13. Avoid background music. Although it can be tempting to have music on a site, I have to recommend against it for several reasons: your viewers might not share your taste in music, music files are large and therefore slow to download, and finally, even if your viewers like your music, it may get annoying to hear the same song every visit.

避免出现背景音乐 尽管音乐可以使网站更加吸引人,但鉴于一下几点原因,建议您最好不要使用背景音乐:第一,网站的访问者并不一定于您的音乐品味相同;第二,音乐文件空间大,所以很难下载。第三,即使访问者喜欢网站的背景音乐,听得次数多了也会感到厌烦。

14. No cutesy mouse animation. This one is fairly obvious: it will annoy a large majority of internet users. Your goal is to make people like your site: don't alienate them with annoying gimmicks!

避免出现花哨的鼠标动画 这个原因就很明显了,很多的网络用户讨厌这个,你的目的是要访问者喜欢你的网站,而不是疏远他们。

15. Don't disable back button . Some sites try and keep their audience captive by disabling the back button. It's obnoxious! Don't do it!

不要屏蔽“后退”按钮 有些网站中的“后退”按钮不能使用,通过此方法来控制访问者.这种不道德的方法还是不用为妙。

16. Refrain from using frames and flash. Both of these methods of coding tend to be unfriendly to search-engines, so use them sparingly and embed them with good old fashioned html.
避免出现框架和flash动画 如果运用这两种技术,这个网站就不容易被搜索引擎找到,所以尽量少用。但可以把它运用在过期的html页中。

17. Make sure your site is compatible in all browsers. There are no enforceable rules for website coding, only general accepted guidelines, so browsers tend to display the same code in slightly different ways. Therefore it's important to try and look at your site on several different browsers and screens to ensure that your site looks good for most users.

确保网站对所有浏览器的兼容性 网站编码并没有规则可以遵循,只有几条大体的指导意见,因此不同的浏览器呈现同一个编码会有一些细微的差别。所以,这里重要的一点就是要看网站在不同浏览器中的状态,大多数访问者都喜欢此网站。

18. Check that all your links work . It's not only annoying to the user, but you may also run the risk of losing your site's ranking with search engines, or worse, not being indexed at all!

确保所有的链接有效 当出现不能链接的情况时,可能会影响访问者的心情。但更重要的影响是,网站在搜索引擎中的优势排名会失去,甚至有可能导致搜索引擎不会对网站做索引。

19. Open all external links in new window. It's nice to give extra information to your viewers by providing useful links, but make sure your own site stays on their screen by opening all external links in a new browser window.

在新窗口中开启所有的外部链接 通过有效的链接,可以给用户提供意想不到的信息,但要保证在新浏览器窗口的外部链接中,本网站必须停留在屏幕上。

20. Keep an honest relation with your gallery. Galleries cannot prevent you from selling work on the internet. However, you need to keep a good working relationship with your gallery. Make sure you both understand who gets or doesn't get a commission through internet sales. For example, if your gallery sells work on their site, or you sell work on your site that's currently in their space, they should pay for the commission.

诚实对待访问者 尽管访问者不能影响网站的在线盈利情况,但你必须与访问者建立一个良好的协作销售关系。你必须对清楚,到底是谁通过在线销售获取了佣金。举个例子来说,如果你在他们的网站上销售产品,或者,你在他们现有的空间上销售产品,你应该向他们支付佣金。

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