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WAP 介绍
WAP 基础知识
WML 格式化
WML 链接
WML Input
WML 任务
WML 计时器
WML 变量
WML 实例
Validate WML
WML 参考
WML 字符实体

WAP 基础知识

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 715 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

WAP Homepages

WAP homepages are not very different from HTML homepages. The markup language used for WAP is WML (Wireless Markup Language). WML uses tags - just like HTML - but the syntax is stricter and conforms to the XML 1.0 standard.
WAP主页与HTML主页并没有太大不同。WAP用的标记语言是WML(无线标记语言)WML使用标签——就像HTML一样-——但WAP的语法更严格并且遵守XML 1.0标准

WML pages have the extension *.WML, just like HTML pages have the extension *.HTML.

WML Tags

WML is mostly about text. Tags that would slow down the communication with handheld devices are not a part of the WML standard. The use of tables and images is strongly restricted. 
WML大部分是有关文本的 。会减缓与掌上部件通信的标签不是WML标准的一部分。表格和图像的使用是非常受到限制的。

Since WML is an XML application, all tags are case sensitive (<wml> is not the same as <WML>), and all tags must be properly closed.
因为WML是XML应用程序,所有的标签都是区分大小写的(<wml> 和 <WML>是不一样的),而且所有的标签必须合理地结尾

WML Decks and Cards

WML pages are called DECKS. They are constructed as a set of CARDS, related to each other with links. When a WML page is accessed from a mobile phone, all the cards in the page are downloaded from the WAP server. Navigation between the cards is done by the phone computer - inside the phone - without any extra access trips to the server.

Example WML document:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="HTML" title="HTML Tutorial">
Our HTML Tutorial is an award winning
tutorial from W3Schools.
<card id="XML" title="XML Tutorial">
Our XML Tutorial is an award winning
tutorial from W3Schools.

As you can see from the example, the WML document is an XML document. The DOCTYPE is defined to be wml, and the DTD is accessed at www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml.

The document content is inside the <wml>...</wml> tags. Each card in the document is inside <card>...</card> tags, and actual paragraphs are inside <p>...</p> tags. Each card element has an id and a title.

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