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VBScript 关键字

VBScript 关键字

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 564 ::
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VBScript 关键字

关键字 描述

Used to indicate an uninitialized variable value. A variable value is uninitialized when it is first created and no value is assigned to it, or when a variable value is explicitly set to empty.

dim x   'x变量未初始化
x="ff"   'x已经不再是未初始化的变量了
x=empty   'x为初始化变量

Note: This is not the same as Null!!


Used to test if a variable is uninitialized.

举例: If (isEmpty(x)) 'x是否为初始化变量?

nothing Used to indicate an uninitialized object value, or to disassociate an object variable from an object to release system resources.
在 VBScript 中,Nothing 关键字用于取消某对象变量与实际对象的关联。

举例: set myObject=nothing

is nothing Used to test if a value is an initialized object.

举例: If (myObject Is Nothing) '它是否建立?

注意: If you compare a value to Nothing, you will not get the right result! Example: If (myObject = Nothing) 'always false!

null Used to indicate that a variable contains no valid data.
Null 关键字用于指明变量包含的数据无效

One way to think of Null is that someone has explicitly set the value to "invalid", unlike Empty where the value is "not set".
对于“null”有一种解释方式为它被明确设置这个值为“无效”,而不像“Empty ”它的值为“not set”(没有被设定)

Note: This is not the same as Empty or Nothing!!
注意:null并不和Empty或 Nothing一样!

Example: x=Null 'x contains no valid data

isNull Used to test if a value contains invalid data.

Example: if (isNull(x)) 'is x invalid?

true Used to indicate a Boolean condition that is correct (true has a value of -1)
True 关键字的值等于 -1。
false Used to indicate a Boolean condition that is not correct (false has a value of 0)
False 关键字的值为零。

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