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设计理念 中的 创建网站的黄金法则

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1910 ::
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Setting yourself up to earn a steady monthly income has to be a pre-requisite to your success online. There is no doubt that large sums of money can be made from selling products or services online.


With over 500,000,000 internet users (and that figure is already obsolete even as I write this) the potential for long term wealth is very high indeed.


This fantastic new medium has brought untold possibilities for the small trader operating in a niche market. In fact the internet is made for just that type of marketer. It therefore goes without saying that anyone with the desire, knowledge or ability to market just about any kind of product or service online is a potential millionaire in the making!


You are probably already aware of the importance of having a website to use as a focal point for any products or services you are selling.


But do you know the golden rule you should always keep in mind when building your site and making it ready to welcome all those potential buyers? This rule is - keep it simple!


When I started out with my first web site I broke this rule of simplicity by filling every inch of my Home Page with all manner of graphics and fonts. This slowed down the loading time. There were also a number of links to other web sites that took my visitors away from my site - and almost certainly they never came back.


It took me a whole eighteen months to realise that what I was doing was never going to work. When I now look at the websites I was promoting a year and a half ago I cringe. What possessed me to put so much effort into them! Because I really did work hard at putting them together.


Take a good look at your own site. Pay very close attention to the following points:


* page design - navigation should be easy
页面设计 —— 导航条应该简明

* HTML - use of keywords in title and description meta tags
—— 在标题或用于描述网页内容的“元标签(meta tag)”上写上关键词

* use of graphics - minimum number should be used relevant to the theme of the site
图形的使用 —— 尽可能少地使用那些与站点主题相关的图形

* use of text/fonts - black text on a white background works best
文本 / 字体的使用 —— 白底黑字效果最好

* hyperlinks - use the "target_blank" tag to ensure external pages open in a new window
超链接 —— 使用“target_blank”标签确保所有的外部页面在一个弹出的新窗口中显示

* reason for existence - is the purpose of the site clear?
存在的理由 —— 网站的目的是否明晰?

Believe me, when it comes to setting up a website that SELLS, you do not need stunning graphics, dynamic HTML or Java Script. These things could spell the end of your business! Especially when it comes to getting ranked on the major Search Engines. (Don't ignore these, they could be responsible for up to 80% of traffic to your site!)


So, here is a summary of how your Home Page should be made up:


* a maximum of 2 graphics and these must be central to the theme of the site

* about 800 words of text, including a list of benefits and a good description of what you offer

* a clear navigation bar

* a color scheme that is consistent but not "glaring"

* any links to external sites should open in a new window

* try to avoid placing a graphic at the top of the page

* use Meta Tags that include one or two keywords in the title and three or four in the description
在标题的描述中使用包含12个关键词的“元标签(meta tag)”;在页面内容的描述中使用包含34个关键词的“元标签(meta tag)”

* try to keep the page under 20 kbs - 10 would be ideal
尽量保持你的网页以低于20kbs的下载速度就可以很流畅地浏览网页 —— 低于10kbs的话就非常完美了

And all other pages should follow the same basic design. Keep these points in mind and you will be well on the way to creating a fast loading page that will be pleasing on the eye and will also be acceptable to the major Search Engines. And when it comes to submitting your site - there is no real need to do this, just keep updating your pages on a regular basis. This is better than submitting your site because in any case the search engine spiders will find your site if it is worth finding.

所有的页面设计都应该遵循这个基本的设计法则。时刻提醒自己,通过这个法则可以使你创建下载更为迅速的网站,可以使访问者的视觉效果极佳,并有一个很好的搜索引擎接受度。当你向搜索引擎提交站点时 —— 一般没有做这个的必要,尽量保持站点页面遵循一个常规的法则进行更新。这样做比你直接向搜索引擎提交页面效果更好,因为搜索引擎蜘蛛会非常愿意寻找那些有价值的网页。

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