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Internet 中的 TCP/IP 电子邮件

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1421 ::
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Email is one of the most important uses of TCP/IP.

You Don't

When you write an email, you don't use TCP/IP.

When you write an email, you use an email program like Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook or Netscape Communicator.
当你在写电子邮件时,你可能会使用诸如Lotus Notes、Microsoft Outlook 或者 Netscape Communicator的来书写电子邮件程序。

Your Email Program Does

Your email program uses different TCP/IP protocols:

  • It sends your emails using SMTP
    • 通过SMTP发送邮件
  • It can download your emails from an email server using POP
    • 通过POP从电子邮件服务器上下载你的邮件
  • It can connect to an email server using IMAP
    • 通过IMAP连接到邮件服务器

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

The SMTP protocol is used for the transmission of e-mails. SMTP takes care of sending your email to another computer.

Normally your email is sent to an email server (SMTP server), and then to another server or servers, and finally to its destination.
通常情况下,你的电子邮件会首先发送到电子邮件服务器上(SMTP 服务器),然后再发送到另外的一个或几个服务器上,最后到达目的地。

SMTP can only transmit pure text. It cannot transmit binary data like pictures, sounds or movies.

SMTP uses the MIME protocol to send binary data across TCP/IP networks. The MIME protocol converts binary data to pure text.
SMTP使用MIME协议越过TCP/IP网络来发送二进位数据。MIME 协议能把二进位数据转换成纯文本。

POP - Post Office Protocol

The POP protocol is used by email programs (like Microsoft Outlook) to retrieve emails from an email server.
POP协议通过使用电子邮件程序(如Microsoft Outlook)来获取电子邮件服务器中的电子邮件。

If your email program uses POP, all your emails are downloaded to your email program (also called email client), each time it connects to your email server.
如果你的电子邮件程序使用了POP,那么所有的邮件将下载到你的邮件程序中(也叫做邮件客户端。如:Microsoft Outlook),每次上网时它都会自动联到你的电子邮件服务器上。

IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol

The IMAP protocol is used by email programs (like Microsoft Outlook) just like the POP protocol.
IMAP协议是通过运用电子邮件程序(如Microsoft Outlook)来使用的,类似于POP协议的。

The main difference between the IMAP protocol and the POP protocol is that the IMAP protocol will not automatically download all your emails each time your email program connects to your email server.

The IMAP protocol allows you to see through your email messages at the email server before you download them. With IMAP you can choose to download your messages or just delete them. This way IMAP is perfect if you need to connect to your email server from different locations, but only want to download your messages when you are back in your office.

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