当前位置: 首页 > 网络学院 > 网页制作基础教程 > HTML > HTML <对象>标签
Defines an embedded object. Use this element to add multimedia to your XHTML page. This element allows you to specify the data and parameters for objects inserted into HTML documents, and the code that can be used to display/manipulate that data.
Note: An object element can appear inside the head or the body element. The text between the <object> and </object> is the alternate text, for browsers that do not support this tag. The <param> tags define run-time settings for the object.
Tip: For images use the <img> tag instead of the <object> tag.
代码 | 输出 |
<object classid="clsid:F08DF954-8592-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628" id="Slider1" width="100" height="50"> <param name="BorderStyle" value="1" /> <param name="MousePointer" value="0" /> <param name="Enabled" value="1" /> <param name="Min" value="0" /> <param name="Max" value="10" /> </object> |
DTD indicates in which DTD the attribute is allowed. S=Strict, T=Transitional, and F=Frameset.
属性 | 值 | 描述 | DTD |
align | left right top bottom | Defines the text alignment around the object 定义object的对齐方式 | TF |
archive | URL | A space separated list of URL's to archives. The archives contains resources relevant to the object 可包含和object有关的资源。 | STF |
border | pixels | Defines a border around the object 定义object的边框 | TF |
classid | class ID | Defines a class ID value as set in the Windows Registry or a URL 定义设置在Windows里或是URL里的class ID值 | STF |
codebase | URL | Defines where to find the code for the object 定义可以去哪找到此object的代码 | STF |
codetype | MIME type | The internet media type of the code referred to by the classid attribute 由classid属性可以指出代码互联网媒体类型 | STF |
data | URL | Defines a URL that refers to the object's data 定义关联到object数据的URL | STF |
declare | declare | Defines that the object should only be declared, not created or instantiated until needed 定义对象只能够被声明,再不被需要的时候是无法建立或是演示的。 | STF |
height | pixels | Defines the height of the object 定义object的高度 | STF |
hspace | pixels | Defines the horizontal spacing around the object 定义object的水平间隙 | TF |
name | unique_name | Defines a unique name for the object (to use in scripts) 定义object的唯一name | STF |
standby | text | Defines a text to display while the object is loading 定义当object被加载的时候可显示的文字 | STF |
type | MIME_type | Defines the MIME type of data specified in the data attribute 定义在数据属性中所指定的MIME数据类型 | STF |
usemap | URL | Specifies a URL of a client-side image map to be used with the object 通过object所使用到的用户图象热点 | STF |
vspace | pixels | Defines the vertical spacing around the object 定义object的垂直间隙 | TF |
width | pixels | Defines the width of the object 定义object的宽度 | STF |
id, class, title, style, dir, lang, xml:lang |
For a full description, go to Standard Attributes.
accesskey, tabindex, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup |
For a full description, go to Event Attributes.