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Having an RSS document is not useful if other people cannot reach it.
只能当其他人能够找到您的 RSS 文档时,它才是有用的。
Now it's time to get your RSS file up on the web. Here are the steps:
将RSS 输入端(feed)上传到网上的步骤:
1. Name your RSS file. Notice that the file must have an .xml extension.
1、为您的 RSS 命名。请注意文件必须有 .xml 的后缀。
2. Validate your RSS file (a good validator can be found at http://www.feedvalidator.org).
2、验证您的 RSS 文件。(可以在 http://www.feedvalidator.org 找到很好的验证器)。
3. Upload the RSS file to your web directory on your web server.
3、把 RSS 文件上传到您的 web 服务器上的 web 目录。
4. 把这个小的橙色按钮 or
button to your web directory.
4、把这个小的橙色按钮 或
拷贝到您的 web 目录。
5. Put the little orange "RSS" or "XML" button on the page where you will offer RSS to the world (e.g. on your home page). Then add a link to the button that links to the RSS file. The code will look something like this:
5、在你希望向外界提供 RSS 的页面上放置这个小按钮。然后向这个按钮添加一个指向 RSS 文件的链接。代码应该类似这样:
<a href="www.w3schools.com.com/rss/myfirstrss.xml">
< img src="www.w3schools.com/rss/rss.gif" width="36" height="14">
6. Submit your RSS feed to the RSS Feed Directories (you can Google or Yahoo for "RSS Feed Directories"). Note! The URL to your feed is not your home page, it is the URL to your feed, like "http://www.w3schools.com/rss/myfirstrss.xml". Here are some free RSS aggregation services:
6、把你的 RSS feed 提交到 RSS Feed 目录。要注意!feed 的 URL 不是你的页面,而是您的指向您的 feed 的 URL,比如 "http://www.w3school.com.cn/rss/myfirstrss.xml"。此处提供一些免费的 RSS 聚合服务:
7. Register your feed with the major search engines:
7、在重要的搜索引擎注册您的 feed :
8. Update your feed - Now you have gotten RSS feed buttons from Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Now you must make sure that you update your content frequently and that your RSS feed is constantly available.
8、更新您的 feed - 现在您已获得了来自 Google、Yahoo、以及 MSN 的 RSS feed 按钮。请您务必经常更新您的内容,并保持 RSS feed 的长期可用。
The best way to ensure your RSS feed works the way you want, is to manage it yourself.
确保 RSS feed 按照您期望的方式工作的最好的办法,就是自己来维护它。
However, this can be very time consuming, especially for pages with lot of updates.
An alternative is to use a third-party automated RSS.
替代方案是使用一个第三方的自动 RSS。
If you don't want to update your RSS feed yourself, there are tools and services that can do it automatically for you, such as:
如果您不想自己去更新 RSS feed,有一些工具和服务可以为您自动地完成工作,比如:
For users who only need an RSS feed for their personal website, some of the most popular blog (Web Log) managers that offer built-in RSS services are:
对于那些仅需要一个用于个人网站的 RSS feed 的用户来说,一些流行的 blog (Web Log) 管理器可提供内建的 RSS 服务: