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The AtEndOfStream property returns True if the file pointer is at the end of a TextStream file, and False if not.
如果文件指示器(file pointer)已经在已经位于文本的最末位置了,那么ASP AtEndOfStream属性将显示True逻辑真;否则将显示False逻辑假。
Note: This property will only work on a TextStream object that are open for reading.
TextStreamObject.AtEndOfStream |
<% dim fs,f,t,x set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set f=fs.CreateTextFile("c:test.txt") f.write("Hello World!") f.close set t=fs.OpenTextFile("c:test.txt",1,false) do while t.AtEndOfStream<>true x=t.Read(1) loop t.close Response.Write("The last character is: " & x) %> Output: The last character in the text file is: ! |