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PHP 制作 网站/服务器 监视脚本
PHP 单件模式
PHP 中使用正则表达式
PHP 防止 SQL 注入攻击
PHP 跨站点脚本攻击
PHP 防止用户操纵 GET 变量
PHP 防止远程表单提交

PHP 安全技巧连载 #3[译]

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1025 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

翻译:[email protected]

Being Security conscious is a good thing but that alone won’t solve the problem. Developers have to be vigilant when it comes to security. Even then you can’t do it alone. Today’s Security tip reminds you of this.


Since your application may be harboring security vulnerabilities that you have not been exposed to, third-party security software or services should be considered to help bring a fresh perspective and find overlooked weaknesses.


As a developer you should have tools in your toolbox that will help you find security vulnerabilities in your applications. Tools like Chorizo will help you by performing automated scans of your code. Programs like PHPSecInfo will help you ensure that your environment is configured properly.

作为一名开发人员你应该有一些工具来帮助你找到程序中的安全漏洞。像 Chorizo 可以帮助你执行自动的代码扫描工作。还有像 PHPSecInfo 这样的程序可以帮你确保开发环境是否妥当。

Using tools like these and other scanning tools should not be the only thing you do to ensure security. They are however, an important part of the mix. Let trusted projects and vendors help you build and maintain secure applications.


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