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PHP 安全技巧连载 #11[译]

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1039 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

翻译:[email protected]

I think we can all agree that users are at once the boon and the bane of our applications. On the one hand, if it weren’t for users, we wouldn’t have security problems. On the other hand, if we didn’t have users, we wouldn’t need the application to begin with. So we can all agree with the fact that in most cases, users aren’t going away. This means that we have to factor them into our security mind-set. One good principal to adopt is:


The Principle of Least Privileges
Grant permissions to users only to the level needed

This is a basic programming principal and can be seen most readily in Unix security. When dealing with users and resources in Unix, users have to be explicitly granted access to resources. Permissions are granted in such a way as to give the user the least permission necessary to gain access to the resource. We can adopt this concept when building our applications by considering carefully the users who will need to access each page and feature.

这是最基础的程序设计原则,而且在Unix 安全性中可以非常容易的见到(译者注:Unix系统可以为每个不同的系统用户分配权限)。在Unix中要处理用户以及资源的时候都需要有明确的访问许可权。在分配许可权时就做到只给用户在访问需要的资源时所需要许可权。在建立我们的应用程序时就可以采用这个概念,考虑用户将需要获得每个页和专栏。

Most modern PHP frameworks have the concepts or authentication and access control. In the Zend Framework, authentication is handled by Zend_Auth but access control, a separate issue, is handled with Zend_Acl

最流行的PHP框架拥有了在访问控制器时的身份验证概念。在Zend Framework里,验证由Zend_Auth 进行处理,除此之外还可由 Zend_Acl 处理控制器的访问

Whichever framework you use, good security practices suggest that you carefully consider the access restrictions you place on each page or feature. Whenever possible, limit access to the fewest number of users possible.


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