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The misc. functions were only placed here because none of the other categories seemed to fit.
我们在这里单独介绍misc. functions函数是因为不太适合把它放入其它章节中介绍。
The misc functions are part of the PHP core. There is no installation needed to use these functions.
The behavior of the misc functions is affected by settings in the php.ini file.
Misc. configuration options:
Name 名称 | Default 默认值 | Description 描述 | Changeable |
ignore_user_abort | "0" | FALSE indicates that scripts will be terminated as soon as they try to output something after a client has aborted their connection False表示:如果它试图在客户端终止连接以后仍试图输出信息,那么此时脚本将终止运行 | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.string | "#DD0000" | Color for highlighting a string in PHP syntax 在PHP语法中,它是用来强调某个字符串而显示的高亮颜色 | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.comment | "#FF8000" | Color for highlighting PHP comments 在PHP语法中,它是用来强调某个PHP注释而显示的高亮颜色 | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.keyword | "#007700" | Color for syntax highlighting PHP keywords (e.g. parenthesis and semicolon) 在PHP语法中,它是用来强调某个PHP键(或关键词)[key]而显示的高亮颜色 | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.bg | "#FFFFFF" | Color for background 背景颜色 | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.default | "#0000BB" | Default color for PHP syntax PHP语法的默认显示颜色 | PHP_INI_ALL |
highlight.html | "#000000" | Color for HTML code HTML代码的颜色 | PHP_INI_ALL |
browscap | NULL | Name and location of browser-capabilities file (e.g. browscap.ini) 浏览器文件的名称的地址(例如:browscap.ini) | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
PHP: indicates the earliest version of PHP that supports the function.
Function 函数 | Description 描述 | PHP |
connection_aborted() | Checks whether the client has disconnected 检查客户端是否断线 | 3 |
connection_status() | Returns the current connection status 返回当前的连接状态 | 3 |
connection_timeout() | Deprecated in PHP 4.0.5 PHP 4.0.5版本中不支持 | 3 |
constant() | Returns the value of a constant 返回一个常量值 | 4 |
define() | Defines a constant 定义一个常量 | 3 |
defined() | Checks whether a constant exists 检查某个常量是否存在 | 3 |
die() | Prints a message and exits the current script 退出当前脚本程序并输出一段信息 | 3 |
eval() | Evaluates a string as PHP code 返回与PHP代码相对应的字符串 | 3 |
exit() | Prints a message and exits the current script 退出当前脚本程序并输出一段信息。 | 3 |
get_browser() | Returns the capabilities of the user's browser 查找用户的browsca.ini文件,并且返回用户浏览器的基本属性 | 3 |
highlight_file() | Outputs a file with the PHP syntax highlighted 在输出的文件中将PHP语法部分用不同的颜色显示 | 4 |
highlight_string() | Outputs a string with the PHP syntax highlighted 在输出的字符串中将PHP语法部分用不同的颜色显示 | 4 |
ignore_user_abort() | Sets whether a remote client can abort the running of a script 为远程客户端是否可以放弃执行一个脚本程序设置权限 | 3 |
pack() | Packs data into a binary string 将数据压缩成一个二进制字符串 | 3 |
php_check_syntax() | Deprecated in PHP 5.0.5 PHP 5.0.5版本中不支持 | 5 |
php_strip_whitespace() | Returns the source code of a file with PHP comments and whitespace removed 返回不带空白字符[whitespace]的PHP陈述文件的源代码 | 5 |
show_source() | Alias of highlight_file() highlight_file()的别名 | 4 |
sleep() | Delays code execution for a number of seconds 设置脚本延迟执行的时间(单位:秒) | 3 |
time_nanosleep() | Delays code execution for a number of seconds and nanoseconds 设置脚本延迟执行的时间(单位:秒/毫微秒(十亿分之一秒) | 5 |
time_sleep_until() | Delays code execution until a specified time sleep()函数的作用是:设置脚本延迟执行的时间 | 5 |
uniqid() | Generates a unique ID 产生一个基于系统时间的独立ID | 3 |
unpack() | Unpacks data from a binary string 将数据从二进制形式解压回来 | 3 |
usleep() | Delays code execution for a number of microseconds 指定延迟执行代码的时间(单位:毫微秒[十亿分之一秒]) | 3 |
PHP: indicates the earliest version of PHP that supports the constant.
Constant 常量 | Description 描述 | PHP PHP版本 |