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A database holds one or multiple tables.
The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database in MySQL.
CREATE DATABASE database_name |
In the following example we create a database called "my_db":
<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","peter","abc123"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE my_db",$con)) { echo "Database created"; } else { echo "Error creating database: " . mysql_error(); } mysql_close($con); ?> |
The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a database table in MySQL.
“CREATE TABLE”语句使用于在MySQL中建表的指令。
CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name1 data_type, column_name2 data_type, column_name3 data_type, ....... ) |
We must add the CREATE TABLE statement to the mysql_query() function to execute the command.
我们必须在mysql_query()函数中加入“CREATE TABLE”来执行这个指令。
The following example shows how you can create a table named "Person", with three columns. The column names will be "FirstName", "LastName" and "Age":
通过下面的案例,我们演示了如何创建一个名为“Person”的表;它包含三个列,每个列的名称分别为:"FirstName", "LastName" 和 "Age":
<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","peter","abc123"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } // Create database if (mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE my_db",$con)) { echo "Database created"; } else { echo "Error creating database: " . mysql_error(); } // Create table in my_db database mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $sql = "CREATE TABLE Person ( FirstName varchar(15), LastName varchar(15), Age int )"; mysql_query($sql,$con); mysql_close($con); ?> |
Important: A database must be selected before a table can be created. The database is selected with the mysql_select_db() function.
Note: When you create a database field of type varchar, you must specify the maximum length of the field, e.g. varchar(15).
Below is the different MySQL data types that can be used:
Numeric Data Types 数值型 | Description 描述 |
int(size) smallint(size) tinyint(size) mediumint(size) bigint(size) | Hold integers only. The maximum number of digits can be specified in the size parameter 只能包含整数。数字的最大位数可以在“size”参数中指定。 |
decimal(size,d) double(size,d) float(size,d) | Hold numbers with fractions. The maximum number of digits can be specified in the size parameter. The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal is specified in the d parameter 包含分数(或小数)。数字的最大位数可以在“size”参数中指定。在“size”右边的参数“d”是指定小数部分的最大位数的 |
Textual Data Types 文本型 | Description 描述 |
char(size) | Holds a fixed length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). The fixed size is specified in parenthesis 包含固定长度的字符串(如:字母、数字、指定的字符);字符串的长度在圆括号内的“size”处指定。如:char(20) |
varchar(size) | Holds a variable length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). The maximum size is specified in parenthesis 指定变量字符串长度(如:字母、数字、指定的字符);字符串的长度在圆括号内的“size”处指定。如:varchar(20) |
tinytext | Holds a variable string with a maximum length of 255 characters 指定一个最大长度为255(字节)的变量字符串 |
text blob | Holds a variable string with a maximum length of 65535 characters 指定一个最大长度为65535(字节)的变量字符串 |
mediumtext mediumblob | Holds a variable string with a maximum length of 16777215 characters 指定一个最大长度为16777215(字节)的变量字符串 |
longtext longblob | Holds a variable string with a maximum length of 4294967295 characters 指定一个最大长度为4294967295(字节)的变量字符串 |
Date Data Types 日期型 | Description 描述 |
date(yyyy-mm-dd) datetime(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) timestamp(yyyymmddhhmmss) time(hh:mm:ss) | Holds date and/or time 指定日期(和/或)时间 |
Misc. Data Types 混合数据类型 | Description 描述 |
enum(value1,value2,ect) | ENUM is short for ENUMERATED list. Can store one of up to 65535 values listed within the ( ) brackets. If a value is inserted that is not in the list, a blank value will be inserted “ENUM”是“ENUMERATED”列表的缩写形式。它可以在圆括号“()”内指定值的列表,最多可以指定含有65535个值的列表。如果加入的值并为存在于列表中,那么将默认为自动插入一个空值。 |
set | SET is similar to ENUM. However, SET can have up to 64 list items and can store more than one choice “SET”和“ENUM”类似;然而,“SET”只能指定含有64个值的列表,并且可以包含多个选项 |
Each table should have a primary key field.
A primary key is used to uniquely identify the rows in a table. Each primary key value must be unique within the table. Furthermore, the primary key field cannot be null because the database engine requires a value to locate the record.
关键字段是用来确认一张表中记录的唯一性的。一张表中的每个私钥值都必须是独一无二的。而且,私窑不可以是空值(null),因为数据库引擎(database engine)需要一个值对记录进行定位。
The primary key field is always indexed. There is no exception to this rule! You must index the primary key field so the database engine can quickly locate rows based on the key's value.
The following example sets the personID field as the primary key field. The primary key field is often an ID number, and is often used with the AUTO_INCREMENT setting. AUTO_INCREMENT automatically increases the value of the field by 1 each time a new record is added. To ensure that the primary key field cannot be null, we must add the NOT NULL setting to the field.
下面这个案例设置了“personID”作为关键字段。关键字段通常是一个ID,他经常与AUTO_INCREMENT属性一起使用。AUTO_INCREMENT属性会在一条记录被添加后自动将“值”加“1”。为了确保关键字段不是空值,我们必须再加上“NOT NULL”属性。
$sql = "CREATE TABLE Person ( personID int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(personID), FirstName varchar(15), LastName varchar(15), Age int )"; mysql_query($sql,$con); |