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ADO CopyTo 方法

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-04   浏览: 399 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

The CopyTo method is used to copy a specified number of characters or bytes from an open Stream object into another open Stream object.

The type of the two Stream objects should be the same. However, text Stream objects can be copied into binary Stream objects, but not vice-versa, and the CharSet property of the destination Stream object can be different than the source Stream object. 
Destination Stream object[目标记录流对象]和Source Stream object[源记录流对象]这两个记录流对象的类型应该是相同的。然而,文本记录流对象可以被复制进二进制记录流对象中,但是返过来却不行;目标记录流对象中的CharSet属性与源记录流对象是有区别的。


objStream.CopyTo dest,numchars

Parameter参数 Description描述
dest Required. Where to copy the Stream (contains a reference to an open Stream object)
numchars Optional. An integer that specifies the number of characters or bytes to be copied from the current position in the source Stream to the destination Stream. Default is -1 (will copy all data from the current position to EOS)

Note: If the specified number is greater than the available number of bytes/characters until EOS, then only bytes/characters from the current position to EOS are copied

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