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ADO Open 方法

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-04   浏览: 370 ::
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The Open method opens a database element that gives you access to records in a table, the results of a query, or to a saved Recordset.

Tip: Always close the Recordset object after using it, to free system resources. Set the Recordset object to Nothing to completely eliminate it from memory.


objRecordset.Open source,actconn,cursortyp,locktyp,opt

Parameter参数 Description描述
source Optional. Specifies a data source.  The source parameter may be one of the following:
  • A URL
  • A relative/full file path name
  • A Command object
  • An SQL statement
  • A stored procedure
  • A table name
actconn Optional. A connection string or a Connection object
cursortyp Optional. A CursorTypeEnum value that specifies the type of cursor to use when opening a Recordset object. Default is adOpenForwardOnly
locktyp Optional. A LockTypeEnum value that specifies the type of locking on a Recordset object. Default is adLockReadOnly
opt Optional. Specifies how to evaluate the source parameter if it is not a Command object. Can be one or more CommandTypeEnum or ExecuteOptionEnum values.
可选参数。指定当source[源]参数不是一个指令对象时确定该参数的身份。它可以是一个或多个CommandTypeEnum 或 ExecuteOptionEnum值


Open an ADO Table Recordset:
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "Customers", conn

Open an ADO SQL Recordset:

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "Select * from Customers", conn

CursorTypeEnum Values

Constant常量 Value值 Description描述
adOpenUnspecified -1 Unspecified type of cursor
adOpenForwardOnly 0 Default. A forward-only cursor. This improves performance when you need to make only one pass through a Recordset
adOpenKeyset 1 A keyset cursor. Like a dynamic cursor, except that you can't see records that other users add, although records that other users delete are inaccessible from your Recordset. Data changes by other users are still visible.
adOpenDynamic 2 A dynamic cursor. Additions, changes, and deletions by other users are visible, and all types of movement through the Recordset are allowed
动态指针。可以看见其他用户所作的添加、更改和删除。允许在记录集中进行所有类型的移动,但不包括提供者不支持的书签操作。(此类型的指针功能强大同时也是耗费系统资源最多的指针。Dynamic指针可以看到他们保存记录集合的所有变化。使用Dynamic指针的用户可以看到其他用户所做的编辑、增加、删除。如果数据提供者允许这种类型的指针,那么它是通过每隔一段时间从数据源重取数据来支持这种可视性的。毫无疑问这会需要很多的资源。 )
adOpenStatic 3 A static cursor. A static copy of a set of records that you can use to find data or generate reports. Additions, changes, or deletions by other users are not visible.
动态指针。可以看见其他用户所作的添加、更改和删除。允许在记录集中进行所有类型的移动,但不包括提供者不支持的书签操作。(此类型的指针功能强大同时也是耗费系统资源最多的指针。Dynamic指针可以看到他们保存记录集合的所有变化。使用Dynamic指针的用户可以看到其他用户所做的编辑、增加、删除。如果数据提供者允许这种类型的指针,那么它是通过每隔一段时间从数据源重取数据来支持这种可视性的。毫无疑问这会需要很多的资源。 )

LockTypeEnum Values

Constant常量 Value值 Description描述
adLockUnspecified -1 Unspecified type of lock. Clones inherits lock type from the original Recordset.
adLockReadOnly 1 Default. Read-only records
默认值,只读。无法更改数据。(这是RecodSet的默认值,如果你把锁定的方式设为该值,那么你将不能更新 Recordset。)
adLockPessimistic 2 Pessimistic locking, record by record. The provider lock records immediately after editing
保守式记录锁定(逐条)。提供者执行必要的操作确保成功编辑记录,通常采用编辑时立即锁定数据源的记录的方式。(如果设置为此类锁定,记录被锁定,且只有在编辑开始到将记录更新的提交给数据提供者这段时间内进行编辑的用户才可以访问! )
adLockOptimistic 3 Optimistic locking, record by record. The provider lock records only when calling update
开放式记录锁定(逐条)。提供者使用开放式锁定,只在调用 Update 方法时锁定记录。(只有在将数据提交给数据提供者的那一瞬间才把记录锁定。)
adLockBatchOptimistic 4 Optimistic batch updates. Required for batch update mode
开放式批更新。用于与立即更新模式相反的批更新模式。(设定为这种类型的锁定制式将被称为批量更新模式的RecordSet。 可以加快更新RecordSet修改数据的速度,但因为同时更新多个记录,它也会恶化与并发访问相关的问题! )

CommandTypeEnum Values

Constant常量 Value值 Description描述
adCmdUnspecified -1 Unspecified type of command
adCmdText 1 Evaluates CommandText as a textual definition of a command or stored procedure call
adCmdTable 2 Evaluates CommandText as a table name whose columns are returned by an SQL query
adCmdStoredProc 4 Evaluates CommandText as a stored procedure name
adCmdUnknown 8 Default. Unknown type of command
adCmdFile 256 Evaluates CommandText as the file name of a persistently stored Recordset. Used with Recordset.Open or Requery only.
指示应从在Source中命名的文件中恢复保留(保存的)Recordset。它仅能与Recordset.Open 或 Requery 指令一起使用
adCmdTableDirect 512 Evaluates CommandText as a table name whose columns are all returned. Used with Recordset.Open or Requery only. To use the Seek method, the Recordset must be opened with adCmdTableDirect. Cannot be combined with the ExecuteOptionEnum value adAsyncExecute.
指示提供者更改从在 Source 中命名的表中返回所有行/
将CommandText作为一个表的名称(该表的列全部是通过内部的SQL查询语句返回的)。它仅适用Recordset.Open 或 Requery 指令;如果需要使用查找方式,那么Recordset必须以adCmdTableDirect打开。这个值不能与ExecuteOptionEnum值 adAsyncExecute一起使用

ExecuteOptionEnum Values

Constant常量 Value值 Description描述
adOptionUnspecified -1 Unspecified command
adAsyncExecute 16 The command should execute asynchronously. Cannot be combined with the CommandTypeEnum value adCmdTableDirect
指明指令是否需要异步执行。这个值不能与CommandTypeEnum 之中的adCmdTableDirect一起使用
adAsyncFetch 32 The remaining rows after the initial quantity specified in the CacheSize property should be retrieved asynchronously
指明在CacheSize属性中指定了初始量以后,是否应该异步获取保留行[remaining rows]
adAsyncFetchNonBlocking 64 The main thread never blocks while retrieving. If the requested row has not been retrieved, the current row automatically moves to the end of the file. If you open a Recordset from a Stream containing a persistently stored Recordset, adAsyncFetchNonBlocking will not have an effect; the operation will be synchronous and blocking. adAsynchFetchNonBlocking has no effect when the adCmdTableDirect option is used to open the Recordset
adExecuteNoRecords 128 The command text is a command or stored procedure that does not return rows. If any rows are retrieved, they are discarded and not returned. adExecuteNoRecords can only be passed as an optional parameter to the Command or Connection Execute method
adExecuteNoRecords仅可以作为一个可选参数传递到指令中或连接执行方法[Connection Execute method]中
adExecuteStream 256 The results of a command execution should be returned as a stream. adExecuteStream can only be passed as an optional parameter to the Command Execute method
指明需要以结果流的形式返回命令执行的结果。adExecuteStream仅可以作为一个可选参数传递到指令中或连接执行方法[Connection Execute method]中
adExecuteRecord 512 The CommandText is a command or stored procedure that returns a single row which should be returned as a Record object

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