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This method is used to move to the first record in a Recordset object. It also make the first record the current record.
Note: Calling MoveFirst or MoveLast when the Recordset is empty generates an error.
This method is used to move to the last record in a Recordset object. It also make the last record the current record.
Note: Calling MoveFirst or MoveLast when the Recordset is empty generates an error.
Note: An error will occur if the Recordset object does not support bookmarks or backward cursor movement.
This method is used to move to the next record in a Recordset object. It also make the "next" record the current record.
Note: If you call this method when the current record is the last record, it generates an error.
This method is used to move to the previous record in a Recordset object. It also make the "previous" record the current record.
Note: An error will occur if the Recordset object does not support bookmarks or backward cursor movement.
Note: If you call this method when the current record is the first record, it generates an error.
objRecordset.MoveFirst objRecordset.MoveLast objRecordset.MoveNext objRecordset.MovePrevious |