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The GetRows method copies multiple records from a Recordset object into a two-dimensional array.
vararray=objRecordset.GetRows(rows,start,fields) |
Parameter参数 | Description描述 |
rows | Optional. A GetRowsOptionEnum value that specifies the number of records to retrieve. Default is adGetRowsRest. 可选参数。指定一个GetRowsOptionEnum值,用于指定需要提取记录的数量。默认值为adGetRowsRest Note: If you omit this argument it will retrieve all records in the Recordset |
start | Optional. What record to start on, a record number or a BookmarkEnum value |
fields | Optional. If you want to specify only the fields that the GetRows call will return, it is possible to pass a single field name/number or an array of field names/numbers in this argument 可选参数。如果你只指定字段,那么将返回GetRows请求;你可以将一个字段值/字段号或是一个“字段值/字段号”数组传到该自变量中 |
<% set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Open(Server.Mappath("northwind.mdb")) set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") rs.Open "Select * from Customers", conn 'The first number indicates how many records to copy 'The second number indicates what recordnumber to start on p=rs.GetRows(2,0) rs.close conn.close 'This example returns the value of the first 'column in the first two records response.write(p(0,0)) response.write("<br>") response.write(p(0,1)) 'This example returns the value of the first 'three columns in the first record response.write(p(0,0)) response.write("<br>") response.write(p(1,0)) response.write("<br>") response.write(p(2,0)) %> |
Constant常量 | Value值 | Description描述 |
adGetRowsRest | -1 | Retrieves the rest of the records in the Recordset object 提取记录集对象中的剩余记录 |
Constant常量 | Value值 | Description描述 |
adBookmarkCurrent | 0 | Starts at the current record 指定从当前记录开始 |
adBookmarkFirst | 1 | Starts at the first record 指定从第一条记录开始 |
adBookmarkLast | 2 | Starts at the last record 指定从最后一条记录开始 |