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Internet 中的 多媒体音频格式

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1200 ::
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Sound can be stored in many different formats.

The MIDI Format

The MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a format for sending music information between electronic music devices like synthesizers and PC sound cards.
MIDI (乐器数字界面)是用于在电子音乐设备中发送音乐信息的的格式,类似于电子合成器和PC声卡。

The MIDI format was developed in 1982 by the music industry. The MIDI format is very flexible and can be used for everything from very simple to real professional music making.

MIDI files do not contain sampled sound, but a set of digital musical instructions (musical notes) that can be interpreted by your PC's sound card.

The downside of MIDI is that it cannot record sounds (only notes). Or, to put it another way: It cannot store songs, only tunes.

Click here to play The Beatles.

The upside of the MIDI format is that since it contains only instructions (notes), MIDI files can be extremely small. The example above is only 23K in size but it plays for nearly 5 minutes.

The MIDI format is supported by many different software systems over a large range of platforms. MIDI files are supported by all the most popular Internet browsers.

Sounds stored in the MIDI format have the extension .mid or .midi.
MIDI格式文件的扩展名为.mid 或 .midi。

The RealAudio Format
RealAudio 格式

The RealAudio format was developed for the Internet by Real Media. The format also supports video.
RealAudio格式是由Real Media公司开发的网络播放器。该格式也支持视频。

The format allows streaming of audio (on-line music, Internet radio) with low bandwidths. Because of the low bandwidth priority, quality is often reduced.

Sounds stored in the RealAudio format have the extension .rm or .ram.
RealAudio格式文件的扩展名为.rm 或 .ram。

The AU Format
AU 格式

The AU format is supported by many different software systems over a large range of platforms.
AU 格式被很多的平台及软件支持。

Sounds stored in the AU format have the extension .au.

The AIFF Format

The AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) was developed by Apple.
AIFF (音频交换文件格式)是苹果公司开发的。

AIFF files are not cross-platform and the format is not supported by all web browsers.
AIFF 文件不是一个可供交互的平台,并且该格式并不被所有的网络浏览器所支持。

Sounds stored in the AIFF format have the extension .aif or .aiff.
AIFF格式文件的扩展名为.aif 或 .aiff。

The SND Format
SND 格式

The SND (Sound) was developed by Apple.

SND files are not cross-platform and the format is not supported by all web browsers.
SND 文件不是一个可供交互的平台,并且该格式并不被所有的网络浏览器所支持。

Sounds stored in the SND format have the extension .snd.

The WAVE Format

The WAVE (waveform) format is developed by IBM and Microsoft.

It is supported by all computers running Windows, and by all the most popular web browsers.
WAVE 格式的文件可以在Windows操作系统中运行,并且被所有的网络浏览器所支持。

Sounds stored in the WAVE format have the extension .wav.

The MP3 Format (MPEG)
MP3格式(MPEG:运动图像专家组, 一种压缩比率较大的活动图象和声音的压缩标准)

MP3 files are actually MPEG files. But the MPEG format was originally developed for video by the Moving Pictures Experts Group. We can say that MP3 files are the sound part of the MPEG video format.

MP3 is one of the most popular sound formats for music recording. The MP3 encoding system combines good compression (small files) with high quality. Expect all your future software systems to support it.

Sounds stored in the MP3 format have the extension .mp3, or .mpga (for MPG Audio).
MP3格式文件的扩展名为.mp3 或 .mpga (MPG 视频)。

What Format To Use?

The WAVE format is one of the most popular sound format on the Internet, and it is supported by all popular browsers. If you want recorded sound (music or speech) to be available to all your visitors, you should use the WAVE format.
WAVE 格式是网络中最为流行的声音格式,当今几乎所有流行的浏览器都支持这个格式。如果你希望保存自己的声音(你唱的歌或讲的话),并能够将它在所有的访问者面前播放,那么你应该使用WAVE格式。

The MP3 format is the new and upcoming format for recorded music. If your website is about recorded music, the MP3 format is the best choice.
MP3 格式是一个全新的格式,并且它即将作为音乐唱片所通用的保存格式。如果你的网站由关于音乐唱片的内容,那么MP3格式将会是你最好的选择。

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