当前位置: 首页 > 网络学院 > 客户端脚本教程 > JavaScript > JS 摘要

JS 介绍
JS 怎样使用
JS 在哪使用
JS 变量
JS If...Else
JS Switch
JS 操作符
JS Popup Boxes
JS 函数
JS For 循环
JS While 循环
JS Break 循环
JS For...In
JS 事件
JS Try...Catch
JS Throw
JS onerror
JS 特殊字符
JS Guidelines
JS 对象介绍

JavaScript 中的 JS 摘要

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 758 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

JavaScript Summary
JavaScript 摘要

This tutorial has taught you how to add JavaScript to your HTML pages, to make your web site more dynamic and interactive.
该教程已经教会你如何将JavaScript 添加到你的HTML页面中,从而使你的网站更具有动态性和交互性。

You have learned how to create responses to events, validate forms and how to make different scripts run in response to different scenarios.

You have also learned how to create and use objects, and how to use JavaScript's built-in objects.

For more information on JavaScript, please look at our JavaScript examples and our JavaScript reference.
如果你希望获取更多关于JavaScript 的信息,可以查阅我们的 JavaScript 案例和我们的JavaScript参数


Now You Know JavaScript, What's Next?

The next step is to learn about the HTML DOM and DHTML.
下一步将学习关于HTML DOM 和DHTML的相关知识了。

If you want to learn about server-side scripting, the next step is to learn ASP.


The HTML DOM defines a standard way for accessing and manipulating HTML documents.
HTML DOM 定义了一个访问和处理HTML文档的标准方法。

The HTML DOM is platform and language independent and can be used by any programming language like Java, JavaScript, and VBScript.
HTML DOM是一个平台,它是一种独立的语言,它可以使用任何一种编程语言,如: Java, JavaScript, and VBScript。

If you want to learn more about the DOM, please visit our HTML DOM tutorial.
如果你希望学习更多关于HTML DOM的教程,请查阅我们的 HTML DOM 教程


DHTML is a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. DHTML is used to create dynamic and interactive Web sites.
DHTML是一个HTML、CSS以及JavaScript 的组合体。DHTML的作用是:创建动态交互式页面。

W3C once said: "Dynamic HTML is a term used by some vendors to describe the combination of HTML, style sheets and scripts that allows documents to be animated."
W3C 曾经说过:“动态HTML是一种被宿主用来描述HTML、样式表以及动态脚本程序的一种术语。”


While scripts in an HTML file are executed on the client (in the browser), scripts in an ASP file are executed on the server.

With ASP you can dynamically edit, change or add any content of a Web page, respond to data submitted from HTML forms, access any data or databases and return the results to a browser, customize a Web page to make it more useful for individual users.

Since ASP files are returned as plain HTML, they can be viewed in any browser.

If you want to learn more about ASP, please visit our ASP tutorial.
如果你希望学习更多关于ASP的知识,请查阅我们的ASP 教程

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