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Internet 中的 虚拟主机服务器技术

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 675 ::
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This section describes some of the most common hosting technologies.

Windows Hosting

Windows hosting means hosting of web services that runs on the Windows operating system.

You should choose Windows hosting if you plan to use ASP (Active Server Pages) as server scripting, or if you plan to use a database like Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. Windows hosting is also the best choice if you plan to develop your web site using Microsoft Front Page.
如果你打算使用ASP(Active Server Pages)(活动服务页面)作为服务器的运行脚本,或者你打算使用像Microsoft Access 或 Microsoft SQL Server这样的数据库,那么你应该选择Windows支持。如果你想用Microsoft的Front Page.来开发网站,Windows支持也是最佳选择。

Unix Hosting

Unix hosting means hosting of web services that runs on the Unix operating system.

Unix was the first (original) web server operating system, and it is known for being reliable and stable. Often less expensive than Windows.
Unix 是首个网络服务操作系统,以可靠和稳定性为人知。通常比Windows要便宜一些。

Linux Hosting

Linux hosting means hosting of web services that runs on the Linux operating system.


Web pages can be executed as CGI scripts. CGI scripts are executables that will execute on the server to produce dynamic and interactive web pages.

Most Internet service providers will offer some kind of CGI capabilities. And many will offer preinstalled, ready to run, guest-books, page-counters, and chat-forums solutions written in CGI scripts.
大多数的ISP(网络服务提供商)会提供一些CGI 空间。并且很多都会提供以CGI脚本写成的预先安装、运行准备、留言本、计数器,聊天室方案。

The use of CGI is most common on Unix or Linux servers.
CGI的使用与Unix或 Linux服务器大体相同。

ASP - Active Server Pages

Active Server Pages is a server-side scripting technology developed by Microsoft.
动态服务页面(ASP:Active Server Pages)是由Microsoft开发的服务器端脚本技术(server-side scripting technology)。

With ASP you can create dynamic web pages by putting script code inside your HTML pages. The code is executed by the web server before the page is returned to the browser. Both Visual Basic and JavaScript can be used.

ASP is a standard component in Windows 95,98, 2000, and XP. It can be activated on all computers running Windows.
ASP是Windows 95,98, 2000,和XP.里的标准组件。它可以在所有的计算机运行窗口中被激活。

Many web hosting providers are offering ASP, as it is becoming a more and more popular technology.

If you want to learn more about ASP, please visit our ASP tutorial.

Chili!Soft ASP

Microsoft's ASP technology runs only on Windows platforms.

However, Chili!Soft ASP is a software product that allows ASP to run on UNIX and some other platforms.
但是,Chili!Soft ASP是允许ASP在UNIX和其他平台上运行的软件产品。


JSP is a server-side technology much like ASP developed by Sun.

With JSP you can create dynamic web pages by putting Java code inside your HTML pages. The code is executed by the web server before the page is returned to the browser.

Since JSP uses Java, the technology is not restricted to any server-specific platform.


FrontPage is a very common web site design tool developed by Microsoft.

FrontPage allows users to develop a web site without any deep knowledge of web development. Most Windows hosting solutions support FrontPage server extensions for users that use FrontPage to develop their web site.

If you plan to use FrontPage, you should look for a Windows hosting solution (meaning not Unix / Linux).
如果你使用FrontPage,你应该寻找一个Windows虚拟主机方案(意味着不是Unix / Linux)


Just like ASP, PHP is a server-side scripting language which allows you to create dynamic web pages by putting script code inside your HTML pages. The code is executed by the web server before the page is returned to the browser.

Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion is another server-side scripting language used to develop dynamic web pages.
Cold Fusion是另一种用于开发动态网页的服务器方的脚本语言。

Cold Fusion is developed by Macromedia.
Cold Fusion是由Macromedia.开发的

Secure Server

A secure server can transmit data encrypted.

If you plan to do online credit card transactions, or other types of web communication that needs to be protected against unauthorized access, your web host must provide a secure server.

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