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Internet 中的 虚拟主机电子邮件服务

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 701 ::
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Hosting services should include proper Email Accounts and Email Services.

Email Accounts

Hosting solutions should include email accounts for each person in your company. Email addresses should appear like this:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Most common is to use first name or first initial and last name.

POP Email

POP stands for Post Office Protocol. POP is a standard client/server protocol for sending and receiving email.
POP是Post Office Protocol(邮局协议)的缩写,POP是用于收发电子邮件的标准用户/服务器协议

The emails are received and held on your internet server until you pick it up with a client email program, like Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, etc. POP email programs are built into Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers (i.e. Microsoft Outlook Express).
电子邮件在你使用如Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger,等等的用户电子邮件程序接受之前,是一直在你的英特网服务器上被接受保存着的。POP电子邮件协议(比如. Microsoft Outlook Express).植入于Netscape 和Internet Explorer浏览器内。

IMAP Email

IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. IMAP is another standard protocol for sending and receiving email.
IMAP是Internet Message Access Protocol(英特网信息访问协议)。IMAP是另一种用于收发邮件的标准协议。

The emails are received and held on your internet server until you pick it up with a client email program, like Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, etc.
电子邮件在你使用如Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger,等等的用户电子邮件程序接受之前,是一直在你的英特网服务器上被接受保存着

IMAP represents an improvement over POP because email stored on an IMAP server can be manipulated from several computers (a computer at home, a workstation at the office, etc.) without having to transfer messages back and forth between computers. POP was designed to support email access on a single computer.
IMAP象征着POP之上的进步,因为在不用在各个计算机之间来回反复传输信息的情况下,存储在IMAP服务器上的邮件可以由多台计算机进行处理(家里的计算机,办公室里的工作站,等等)。而POP 用于支持单个计算机上的电子邮件的访问。

Web-based Email

Web-based email services enable you to access email via a web browser. You log into your email account via the Web to send and retrieve email. Being able to access your email from any browser anywhere in the world is a very attractive option.
基于网络的电子邮件服务是:你能通过网络浏览器访问电子邮件。你登录自己的电子邮件帐户,通过网络发出或重拾电子邮件。你在世界任意地方任意浏览器上都能够访问取得电子邮件真是件吸引人的事啊 。

Examples of web-based email services are Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail.
网络为基础的电子邮件服务的例子是Yahoo! Mail 和Hotmail.

Email Forwarding

Email forwarding allows you to have multiple email personalities.
Email forwarding允许你给用户定义多个名称

With email forwarding, you can setup aliases for other email accounts like
有了email forwarding,你可以给别的电子邮件账户设置像这样的别名:

[email protected] should be forwarded to [email protected]
[email protected] 将会化成[email protected]

[email protected] should be forwarded to [email protected]
[email protected] 将会化成[email protected]

Mailing Lists

Some service providers offer mailing list capabilities. This is a valuable plus if you plan sending out email to a large number of users.

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