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PHP 中的 localeconv() 函数

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-04   浏览: 720 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

Definition and Usage

The localeconv() function returns an array containing local numeric and monetary formatting information.

The localeconv() function will return the following array elements:

  • [decimal_point] - Decimal point character
    [decimal_point] – 十进制小数点字符
  • [thousands_sep] - Thousands separator
    [thousands_sep] – 千位分隔符
  • [int_curr_symbol] - Currency symbol (example: USD)
    [int_curr_symbol] – 货币符号(如:USD)
  • [currency_symbol] - Currency symbol (example: $)
    [currency_symbol] – 货币符号(如:$)
  • [mon_decimal_point] - Monetary decimal point character
    [mon_decimal_point] – 十进制小数点货币字符
  • [mon_thousands_sep] - Monetary thousands separator
    [mon_thousands_sep] – 货币千位分隔符
  • [positive_sign] - Positive value character
    [positive_sign] –正值字符
  • [negative_sign] - Negative value character
    [negative_sign] – 负值字符
  • [int_frac_digits] - International fractional digits
    [int_frac_digits] – 国际通用格式的分数 / 小数
  • [frac_digits] - Local fractional digits
    [frac_digits] – 本地通用格式的分数 / 小数
  • [p_cs_precedes] - True (1) if currency symbol is placed in front of a positive value, False (0) if it is placed behind
    [p_cs_precedes] – 如果货币符号位于正值之前,则为True(1);如在正值之后,则为False(0)
  • [p_sep_by_space] - True (1) if there is a spaces between the currency symbol and a positive value, False (0) otherwise
    [p_sep_by_space] –如果在货币符号和正值之内含有空格,则为True;否则则为False
  • [n_cs_precedes] - True (1) if currency symbol is placed in front of a negative value, False (0) if it is placed behind
    [n_cs_precedes] –如果货币符号位于负值之前,则为True(1);如在负值之后,则为False(0)
  • [n_sep_by_space] - True (1) if there is a spaces between the currency symbol and a negative value, False (0) otherwise
    [n_sep_by_space] -如果在货币符号和负值之内含有空格,则为True;否则则为False
  • [p_sign_posn] - Formatting options:
    [p_sign_posn] –格式选项:
    • 0 - Parentheses surround the quantity and currency symbol
      0 – 将数量和货币符号写在圆括号内
    • 1 - The + sign is placed in front of the quantity and currency symbol
      1 – 在数量和货币符号之前加上“+”符号
    • 2 - The + sign is placed after the quantity and currency symbol
      2 – 在数量和货币符号之后加上“+”符号
    • 3 - The + sign is placed immediately in front of the currency symbol
      3 – 直接在货币符号之前加上“+”符号
    • 4 - The + sign is placed immediately after the currency symbol
      4 – 直接在货币符号之后加上“+”符号
  • [n_sign_posn] - Formatting options:
    [n_sign_posn] –格式选项:
    • 0 - Parentheses surround the quantity and currency symbol
      0 – 将数量和货币符号写在圆括号内
    • 1 - The - sign is placed in front of the quantity and currency symbol
      1 – 在数量和货币符号之前加上符号
    • 2 - The - sign is placed after the quantity and currency symbol
      2 – 在数量和货币符号之后加上符号
    • 3 - The - sign is placed immediately in front of the currency symbol
      3 – 直接在货币符号之前加上符号
    • 4 - The - sign is placed immediately after the currency symbol
      4 – 直接在货币符号之后加上符号
  • [grouping] - Array displaying how numbers are grouped (example: 3 indicates 1 000 000)
    grouping] – 显示数字组合的形式(如:3 显示 1 000 000)
  • [mon_grouping] - Array displaying how monetary numbers are grouped (example: 2 indicates 1 00 00 00)
    [mon_grouping] -显示货币数字组合的形式(如:2显示100 00 00)



Tips and Notes

Tip: To define locale settings, see the setlocale() function.


In this example we will find the United States locale numeric formatting information:

setlocale(LC_ALL, 'US');
$locale_info = localeconv();

The output of the code above will be:

[decimal_point] => .
[thousands_sep] => ,
[int_curr_symbol] => USD
[currency_symbol] => $
[mon_decimal_point] => .
[mon_thousands_sep] => ,
[positive_sign] =>
[negative_sign] => -
[int_frac_digits] => 2
[frac_digits] => 2
[p_cs_precedes] => 1
[p_sep_by_space] => 0
[n_cs_precedes] => 1
[n_sep_by_space] => 0
[p_sign_posn] => 3
[n_sign_posn] => 0
[grouping] => Array ([0] => 3)
[mon_grouping] => Array ([0] => 3)

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