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The hebrev() function converts Hebrew text from a right-to-left flow to a left-to-right flow.
Only ASCII characters between 224 and 251, and punctuation characters will be affected.
hebrev(string,maxcharline) |
Parameter参数 | Description描述 |
string | Required. A Hebrew text 必要参数。指定一个希伯来语[Hebrew]文本 |
maxcharline | Optional. Specifies maximum characters for each line. hebrev() will avoid breaking words if possible 可选参数。指定每行允许的最大字符数。如果可行的话,希伯来语Hebrew()不允许词之间字母断裂 |
Tip: hebrev() and hebrevc() can convert Hebrew logical text (the Windows encoding) to Hebrew visual text. Hebrew visual requires no special right-to-left character support to be displayed properly, making it very useful for displaying Hebrew text on the web.
<?php echo hebrev("á çùåï äúùñâ"); ?> |
The output of the code above will be:
âñùúä ïåùç á |