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The exp() function returns the value of Ex, where E is Euler's constant (approximately 2.7183) and x is the number passed to it.
exp()函数的作用是:计算 e(自然对数的底,其数值大约等于2.7183)的指数。
exp(x) |
Parameter参数 | Description描述 |
x | Required. A number 必要参数。指定一个数值参数 |
Tip: E is the Euler's constant, which is the base of natural logarithms (approximately 2.7183).
In the following example we will use the exp() function on different numbers:
<?php echo(exp(1) . "<br />"); echo(exp(-1) . "<br />"); echo(exp(5) . "<br />"); echo(exp(10)) ?> |
The output of the code above will be:
2.718281828459045 0.36787944117144233 148.4131591025766 22026.465794806718 |