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The easter_date() function returns the Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a specified year.
easter_date(year) |
Parameter 参数 | Description 描述 |
year | Optional. Defines the year to calculate the midnight on Easter from. If the year parameter is omitted, the current year is used. 可选参数。指定复活节午夜所在的年份,如果这个参数被忽略,那么将使用当前的年份。 |
Note: If the year is outside of the range for Unix timestamps (before 1970 or after 2037), this function will generate a warning. The easter_days() function can be used instead of easter_date() to calculate Easter for years which fall outside the range.
<?php echo(easter_date() . "<br />"); echo(date("M-d-Y",easter_date()) . "<br />"); echo(date("M-d-Y",easter_date(2000)) . "<br />"); echo(date("M-d-Y",easter_date(2001)) . "<br />"); echo(date("M-d-Y",easter_date(2002))); ?> |
The output of the code above will be:
1145138400 Apr-16-2006 Apr-23-2000 Apr-15-2001 Mar-31-2002 |