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Schema (XSD)
Schema (XSD) 介绍
为何使用 XML Schemas?
如何定制 XSD
XSD - <schema>元素
XSD 简单元素
XSD 属性
XSD 约束面
XSD 复合元素
XSD 复合空元素
XSD 复合纯元素
XSD 复合纯文本
XSD 混合内容的复合类型
XSD 指示器复合类型
XSD <any> 元素
XSD <anyAttribute> 元素
XSD 元素替代
XSD 实例
XSD 字符串数据类型
XSD 日期数据类型
XSD 小数数据类型

Schema (XSD) 中的 XML Schema group 元素

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-04   浏览: 433 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

Definition and Usage

The group element is used to define a group of elements to be used in complex type definitions.
group元素的作用是:定义一组在复合类型[complex type]中使用的元素。

Element Information

  • Parent elements: schema, choice, sequence, complexType, restriction (both simpleContent and complexContent), extension (both simpleContent and complexContent)
    父类元素:schema、choice[选择]、sequence[序列]、complexType[符合类型]、restriction[限制] (包括simpleContent[单一内容]和complexContent[复合内容])、extension[扩展] (包括simpleContent[单一内容]和complexContent[复合内容])


any attributes

(The ? sign declares that the element can occur zero or one time inside the group element)

属性 描述
id Optional. Specifies a unique ID for the element
name Optional. Specifies a name for the group. This attribute is used only when the schema element is the parent of this group element. Name and ref attributes cannot both be present
可选参数。指定一个组名称。该属性仅当schema元素是group元素的父类元素时使用。该名称和ref 属性不能同时出现
ref Optional. Refers to the name of another group. Name and ref attributes cannot both be present
可选参数。引用其它的组名称。该名称和ref 属性不能同时出现
maxOccurs Optional. Specifies the maximum number of times the group element can occur in the parent element. The value can be any number >= 0, or if you want to set no limit on the maximum number, use the value "unbounded". Default value is 1
minOccurs Optional. Specifies the minimum number of times the group element can occur in the parent element. The value can be any number >= 0. Default value is 1
any attributes Optional. Specifies any other attributes with non-schema namespace

Example 1

The following example defines a group containing a sequence of four elements and uses the group element in a complex type definition:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:group name="custGroup"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="customer" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="orderdetails" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="billto" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="shipto" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence>
<xs:element name="order" type="ordertype"/>
<xs:complexType name="ordertype"> <xs:group ref="custGroup"/> <xs:attribute name="status" type="xs:string"/>

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