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Schema (XSD)
Schema (XSD) 介绍
为何使用 XML Schemas?
如何定制 XSD
XSD - <schema>元素
XSD 简单元素
XSD 属性
XSD 约束面
XSD 复合元素
XSD 复合空元素
XSD 复合纯元素
XSD 复合纯文本
XSD 混合内容的复合类型
XSD 指示器复合类型
XSD <any> 元素
XSD <anyAttribute> 元素
XSD 元素替代
XSD 实例
XSD 字符串数据类型
XSD 日期数据类型
XSD 小数数据类型

Schema (XSD) 中的 XML Schema any 元素

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-04   浏览: 350 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

Definition and Usage

The any element enables the author to extend the XML document with elements not specified by the schema.

Element Information

  • Parent elements: choice, sequence


any attributes

(The ? sign declares that the element can occur zero or one time inside the any element)

属性 描述
id Optional. Specifies a unique ID for the element
maxOccurs Optional. Specifies the maximum number of times the any element can occur in the parent element. The value can be any number >= 0, or if you want to set no limit on the maximum number, use the value "unbounded". Default value is 1
minOccurs Optional. Specifies the minimum number of times the any element can occur in the parent element. The value can be any number >= 0. Default value is 1

Optional. Specifies the namespaces containing the elements that can be used. Can be set to one of the following:


  • ##any - elements from any namespace is allowed (this is default)
    ##any - 允许来自于任何命名空间的元素(默认值)
  • ##other - elements from any namespace that is not the namespace of the parent element can be present
    ##other - 可以使用非父类元素命名空间中的元素
  • ##local - elements must come from no namespace
    ##local - 非命名空间元素
  • ##targetNamespace - elements from the namespace of the parent element can be present
    ##targetNamespace - 可以使用父类元素命名空间中的元素
  • List of {URI references of namespaces, ##targetNamespace, ##local} - elements from a space-delimited list of the namespaces can be present
    {URI 命名空间参数、##targetNamespace、##local} 列表 - 可以使用命名空间的空格定界符列表中的元素

Optional. Specifies how the XML processor should handle validation against the elements specified by this any element. Can be set to one of the following:


  • strict - the XML processor must obtain the schema for the required namespaces and validate the elements (this is default)
    strict [严格] - XML处理器必须包含必要命名空间的schema,并验证元素的有效性(默认值)
  • lax - same as strict but; if the schema cannot be obtained, no errors will occur
    lax [不严格] - 功能于strict相同,但是,如果不能包含schema,也不会产生错误信息
  • skip - The XML processor does not attempt to validate any elements from the specified namespaces
    skip [跳过] - XML处理器不验证来自于指定命名空间的任何元素
any attributes Optional. Specifies any other attributes with non-schema namespace

Example 1

The following example shows a declaration for an element called "person". By using the <any> element the author can extend (after <lastname>) the content of "person" with any element:

<xs:element name="person"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="firstname" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="lastname" type="xs:string"/> <xs:any minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>

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