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设计理念 中的 商务图形设计
出处:互联网 整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com) 发布: 2009-03-01 浏览: 2021 ::
Perhaps you have a website, but you're just not totally happy with the graphics, or you haven't any graphics at all.
'How do great looking graphics improve my business?' 'Aren't professional graphics expensive?' 'How do I create graphics myself?' You may be asking yourself any of these questions. Well, let's start with the benefits your business will reap by having a professional-quality graphical identity. When visitors enter your website, before they even start to read the text they will see the graphics and subconsciously make a snap judgement, be it good or bad, on the quality of the product they are being pitched, regardless of its actual quality. This is simply a shame, because so many people have superb products but they are held back by their not-so-superb graphics. I personally have made many internet purchases on the basis of a nice looking site combined with good copy (without a well written sales page, even great graphics will not help you) simply because a great design and welcoming images instills a feeling of trust into its viewers. It's very likely that you have done this as well, even if you didn't know you were making a judgement at the time.
“优秀的图形设计是怎样推进我的商务进程的呢?”“专业的图形设计的成本难道不高吗?”“我自己该怎样创建图形?”你可能会有上述疑问。好吧,接下来,让我们开始通过拥有一个专业、高质量的图形设计来帮助我们在商务活动中牟取更多的利益吧!当访问者访问你的网站时,他们在看文字内容之前首先会看你的图形设计的怎么样 ,并下意识地在脑海中给出一个简要的判断。不管是好或是不好,他们都会通过对你的站点图形设计的映像来主观判断产品质量的好坏,无论该产品的真实质量到底如何。这其实很让人感到羞愧,因为很多产品其实质量都很好,就是因为网站的图形效果设计得很糟糕,所以只是访问者认为该站点出售的产品也很糟糕。就我个人而言,我已经创建了很多产品热销的网站,因为我将站点设计成了视觉效果极佳的网站(这里注意:如果产品销售页面上的文字内容不佳,那么即使图片设计得再好,也于事无补),我将这些页面打造成了高质量设计的站点,它有个很好的欢迎页面,使得访问者感到里面销售的东西也很可靠。你也可以像我这样做,即使你现在并没有评判你的网站。
So what do you do about this? Having a professional designer do it for you is a possibility, but the good ones will put craters in your bank account, and you always have to pay for future graphical updates to your site which is a hassle, not only financially, but if you need important changes made immediately there's a good chance it's going to happen on the designer's schedule.
Perhaps you don't think you have the "artist's touch" or the patience to learn a piece of graphics software. But the truth is, you can have no artistic ability at all and still create great looking graphics. All you have to have is the ability to discern between nice looking, and not nice looking. What I mean by this, is that if you can spot a great logo and study why it is a great logo, you can incorporate the positive qualities of it into your own works, just one step at a time. Think you can you do that? I think you can! Let's take a look at actually creating something for ourselves.
If your website has a name, it should be given logo to support it, to create an identity that visitors will remember and ingrain in their minds. And that's precisely where you should start designing so you can build the rest of your site off its' theme and concepts.
Creating logos can be a surprisingly simple process, and very often the simpler the logo, the better. This makes it very possible to drop in some text with a proper font and color and leave with something of commercial quality that you didn't even have to draw anything for!
Try to find a font that fits *perfectly* with the theme of your site (since there are so few elements to your logo thus far, make sure that every bit is as good and relevant to your site as it can be) and adjust the color to one that seems to fit your arena. Say if you own a toy store, you're likely going to want lots of bright colors and a playful, childish font, whereas if you own an insurance company, you'll want something more like a dark blue or burgundy with a 'strong' font, one that instills strength and dependability onto its viewers.
Also try playing with the font width and font spacing (space between letters) to create further visual appeal. Just experiment with everything you see and you'll likely find something you like. Don't be afraid to click buttons, because there's always control-z (undo) if you mess something up.
别忘了用上“font width[字体大小]”和“font spacing[字符间距]”来创建一个更优化的视觉效果。你可以对你所看到的东西进行一个测试,这样你就很可能找到你所喜欢的东西。不要害怕点错按钮,如果你弄错了的话,你可以使用control+Z(“取消”命令)组合键来取消你弄错的步骤。
If you become stumped, go surfing the web to see what others are doing right and wrong, so you can use other people's concepts to form ideas of your own! This way you will always have fresh ideas flowing about that you can pick from whenever you've got designer's block. And if you're not sure of how to do a certain task in your graphics app, simply search for a tutorial on it specifically on google, as there are tons of websites more than willing to help people in a position just like yours! Remember, take everything one step at a time and you'll be creating great graphics faster than you'd have ever thought possible!
I hope you have come away enlightened and with inspiration, now get out there and make some killer graphics!