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DOM Input Checkbox
DOM Input File 对象
DOM Input Hidden对象
DOM Input Password 对象
DOM Input Radio 对象
DOM Input Reset 对象
DOM Input Submit 对象
DOM Input Text 对象
DOM Link 对象
DOM Location 对象
DOM Meta 对象
DOM Navigator 对象
DOM 对象
DOM Option 对象
DOM Screen 对象
DOM Select 对象
DOM Style 对象
DOM Table 对象
DOM TableData 对象
DOM TableHeader 对象

HTML DOM 中的 DOM Input Hidden对象

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 983 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

Hidden 对象

The Hidden object represents a hidden field in an HTML form. For each instance of an <input type="hidden"> tag in an HTML form, a Hidden object is created.
当HTML表单中出现<input type="hidden">标签就意味着Hidden对象建立起来了

You can access a Hidden object by indexing the elements array (by number or name) of the corresponding form or by using getElementById().

IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, N: Netscape, W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard).

Hidden 对象属性

defaultValue Sets or returns the initial value of the hidden field
设置或返回hidden field的初始值
3 1 2 Yes
form Returns a reference to the hidden field's parent form
返回hidden field父表单的参考
3 1 2 Yes
id Sets or returns the id of the hidden field (In IE 4 this property is read-only)
设置或返回hidden field的id
4 1   No
name Sets or returns the name of the hidden field
设置或返回hidden field的name
3 1 2 Yes
type Returns the type of the form element. For a hidden object it will always be "hidden"
4 1 3 Yes
value Sets or returns the value of the value attribute of the hidden field
设置或返回hidden field的value属性值
3 1 2 Yes

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