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设计理念 中的 创建真正的logo

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 2023 ::
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Step 1 Most of the people reading this tutorial will never run a business where a real logo is required. Not because we can't, but because we are technologically inclined; in other words our businesses will be on-line because we see the potential. With a totally on-line business, the guidelines for logos are less strict. However there will come a point in your career that you need to create a real logo for a real company.

步骤1. 大多数阅读这篇教程的人在所进行的商务活动中缺乏对一个真正logo的必要性的概念。并不是因为我们无法实现,而是因为我们都倾向于技术方面;换句话说,我们的业务将在互联网上进行,因为我们看到了网络的巨大潜力。作为一个完整的在线商务活动来说,logo指南并不严格精确。然而,有一点还是很重要的,你需要为一个真实的公司创建一个真实的logo

Step 2 Let's look at some real-world business logos. Although these companies may have strong internet presences, they are primarily run in the real world, selling real products (with the exception of Yahoo). It's always a good idea to look at successful business strategies when modeling your own business strategy, and the logo is no exception. Take a look.

步骤2. 让我们看看一些真实世界中的商业logo。尽管这些公司可能拥有一个强大的互联网模式,它们在现实世界中也是存在运作实体的,并销售真正的产品(除了雅虎以外)。最好的方法就是你可以在制定属于你自己的商业战略模型时先看一看成功的商业战略,logo也并不例外。请看一看。

Step 3
What do you notice about all these logos? First of all most of them use only 1 or 2 colors! This is severely limiting, but there is a reason. Why you ask? Because in order to trademark a logo, the logo has to be easily recognizable in black and white, and easily distinguished on printed letterhead. For this reason, the most successful logos consist of only 1 or 2 colors, and are usually just transformations of text, or even just a specific font and word. Very simple.

步骤3. 你注意到这些logo的特点是什么呢?首先,大多数只使用12种颜色。这是受到严格限制的,因为这是有原因的。为什么你这样问呢?因为为了标记一个logologo必须以黑白搭配,易于辨认,并且必须要和信笺上方的印刷文字清楚的区分开来。

Step 4
You can see what I'm talking about looking at the real world logos above. IBM's logo is only the letters IBM in bold blue with semi scan lines. PayPal is simply the outline of the word PayPal in a specific font, in a specific color blue. Dell is just the word Dell with the E tilted. Pay attention to big name logos and you will quickly find that the most successful logos are not fancy; they are simple, and easy to recognize. This brings us to the next point.

步骤4. 你可以在现实世界中清楚地看到上述我讲到的logoIBMlogo是蓝色的各行扫描线。PayPallogo就是“PayPal”这个单词的外部轮廓线,并且是有了特别的蓝色。Dell也就是简单的英文单词“DELL”,只不过其中的“E”字是斜体字。仔细看看这些大型公司的logo,你会很快的发现,它们的logo并不是那种看上去让人感到眼花缭乱的;它们看上去非常简单,易于辨认。这将把我们带入下一个重点。

Step 5 Logos must make a customer think of your company at only a glance. Therefore it must be simple enough to take in the entire logo with only a fraction of a second of looking at it. Think of McDonalds, every time you see the 'golden arches' you know that it's McDonalds. The primary purpose of a logo is to have something that is first of all unique (you'll never confuse McDonalds logo with Burger King's for instance) and second of all easily recognizable. Lastly a logo has to be distinguishable on black and white, and in paper print. These are the main points to consider when designing a logo.

步骤5. Logo必须使客户对它瞥上一眼就有想看看你公司的意图。因此,它必须足够的简单易懂,必须让人们在看到它大概一秒钟左右的时间内就能够记住整个logo。想想看McDonalds,每次当你看到这个“金色弧形”标志的时候,你就可以知道,它是麦当劳。Logo的主要目的就是表明独立性(举个例子来说,相信你肯定不会把McDonaldslogoBurger King的烤肉饼logo混淆)和易辨认性。最后,logo必须黑白分明易于在纸上打印输出。这就是在设计logo是所必须要考虑的问题。

Step 6
If you look around you'll notice that most sucessful logos are simple text with maybe a twist or two. But that's not always the case. You'll often times find a symbol and/or text. However the symbols also follow the same rules. 1 or 2 colors, easy to distinguish, and very simple. Think of Chevy Trucks, it's a funky long sided cross. Even though in a lot of commercials you'll see the logo dressed up, (maybe looking like chrome) if you look on their letterhead that same cross would be only 1 color and very simple.

步骤6. 如果你看看周围,你就会发现,大多数成功的logo仅是简单的文本环绕或两段文本组合。但并不总是这样。有时你还会发现特殊的符号标志或者是文本。然而,标志通常都符合同样的规则。12种颜色,易于区分,非常简单。仔细分析一下雪弗莱敞篷车的logo,它好似一个令人感到胆战心惊的交叉十字。甚至在很多大型商业集团内,你也经常会看到类似的logo(它可能看上去像铬合金)。你在信笺的上方看看这个同样的十字logo,它只有一种颜色,非常易于辨认。

Step 7
I realize this was a winded discussion, but from looking at some of the logos I think it needed to be said. If you ever get confused at whether your logo is good, or if it's too much, just compare it with industry standards. Is it comparable to other logos in the same industry? Is it easily recognized? Can it be printed in black and white and still be recognizable? If the answer is yes to all these, then you're on the right track. Here is the one I came up with for kromefx.com:

步骤7. 据我了解,这是人们流行的话题,但是通过我对自己logo的观察,我还是认为有必要说一下。如果你对你的logo是否优秀而感到困惑,或者不是很喜欢它,那么你可以和相关行业的标准logo比较一下。思考一下,在同一行业中,他是否可以与其他logo相比?它易于辨认吗?它可以用黑白的方式输出并且仍然可以被人们所辨认吗?如果上述所有的问题回答都是肯定的,那么你成功了。在这里,我给你举一个例子:kromefx.comlogo见下图):

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