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ASP.NET Mobile ValidationSummary Control

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-07-31   浏览: 335 ::
收藏到网摘: n/a

Definition and Usage

The ValidationSummary control is used to display a summary of all validation errors occurred in a Web page.

The error message displayed in this control is specified by the ErrorMessage property of each validation control. If the ErrorMessage property of the validation control is not set, no error message is displayed for that validation control.


Property Value Description
Alignment left
Optional. How to align the control
BackColor rgb(x,x,x)
Optional. A background color for the control
BackLabel backlabel Optional. Specifies a text that serves as a link to "go back" that will be displayed on the validation summary page
ForeColor rgb(x,x,x)
Optional. A foreground color for the control
FormToValidate form_id Optional. Specifies the id of the form to validate
Font-Bold false
Optional. Specifies whether or not the text in the control should be bold
Font-Italic false
Optional. Specifies whether or not the text in the control should be italic
Font-Name fontname Optional. Specifies the font name of the text in the control
Font-Size normal
Optional. Specifies the font size of the text in the control
id unique_name Optional. A unique id for the control
runat "server" Required. Specifies that the control is a server control
StyleReference name_of_style_element Optional. Specifies a reference to a style to be applied to the control
Wrapping wrap
Optional. Specifies whether or not the text in the control should wrap

Example 1

The following example contains two forms in an .aspx file. The first form has a label with the text "Please enter a number from 1 through 100", an input box to input a number, a RangeValidator control that checks that the input value is a number from 1 through 100, a RequiredFieldValidator control that checks that the input field isn't empty, and a submit button. The second form is activated by the submit button on the first form, and displays a response. If one of  the input value did not validate, the ValidationSummary control will display (in a list) the text in the ErrorMessage property for each control that did not validate:

<%@ Page
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile"
Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>

<script runat="server">
sub page2(Sender as Object,E as EventArgs)
end sub

<Mobile:Form id="f1" runat="server">
  <Mobile:Label runat="server">
  Please enter a number from 1 through 100

  <Mobile:TextBox id="txt1" runat="server"/>

  ErrorMessage="Invalid number"
  runat="server" />

  ErrorMessage="A number is required"
  runat="server" />

  <Mobile:Command runat="server"
  OnClick="page2">Show errors in Summary

<Mobile:Form id="f2" runat="server">
  <Mobile:Label runat="server">
  Your input is valid if no error is shown below.
  <Mobile:ValidationSummary FormToValidate="f1"
  HeaderText="Error listed below:"
  BackLabel="Back to main frame" runat="server" />

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