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设计理念 中的 CGI剖析:第三部分

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 1893 ::
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CGI.JPGCGI is ugly. Finally, CGI scripts produce fairly ugly user-interfaces. Basically, CGI is limited to bland HTML-based forms. Thus, no CGI application looks like your swank bootleg copy of Word.


This may not seem like a big issue at first, but when you start competing for web hits with multi-million dollar companies, image is indeed everything. CGI simply cannot compare with web based applications that are not limited to HTML.


Well, those are some pretty damning flaws. Like I said, many systems administrators would love to see CGI fall off the face of the Earth. Unfortunately for those system administrators, the fact is that CGI has continued to be the workhorse of the web, powering 90% of the dynamic web pages out there.


The fact is that CGI, especially CGI/Perl is easy to work with and most non-technically oriented webmasters out there can get their needs filled, and filled right away. However amazingly, brand-fantasmagorically wonderful other technologies sound, they are still vaporware as far as the average web developer is concerned. Either the ISP does not provide those technologies, or the learning and development curve is too steep or expensive. And of course for small applications typical of most websites, the big guns of C or C++ are just overkill.

事实上,CGI程序,特别是CGI/Perl程序是很容易与其它程序相互协同工作的,并且,大多数非技术性的网站管理员可以通过CGI程序立刻实现他们所需要的功能。然而,令人难以置信的是,那些听上去令人拍案叫绝的技术,直到绝大多数网络开发者意识到它们的时候,它们仍然还是“雾件[一种已经发布或交易但尚未生产的新软件] ”。不光是ISP不提供这些技术,而且学习和发展曲线也非常陡峭或是昂贵。当然,对于很多典型网站的小型应用程序来说,CC++仍然倍受欢迎。

CGI, for all its flaws, works, and works pretty darn well if done carefully. "Intranet" developers with massive budgets can yack all they want to about servlets and SQL gateways and Server Side Includes and customized server applications written in Java, but for most "Internet" developers out there, CGI is the only tool available for solving their problems. And with creativity and care, CGI can also be the right tool.

如果你谨慎处理关于CGI的缺点和运行,那么它可能会运行得很好。“企业内部互联网”的大规模预算的开发者可能会唠唠叨叨的没完,他们中的所有人希望servlets [ServletsJava专注于CGI开发的一种技术]SQL网关以及服务器端包含及定做一些用Java写成的服务器端应用程序,但是,对于绝大多数的“互联网”开发者来说,CGI是解决他们问题的唯一方法。通过创造性和认真谨慎的处事态度,CGI完全可以成为非常有效的工具。

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