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Internet 中的 Opera 浏览器

出处:互联网   整理: 软晨网(RuanChen.com)   发布: 2009-03-01   浏览: 999 ::
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Latest Opera Releases

Opera 9 (for Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris) - Released in June 2006.
Opera 9 适用于Windows、苹果电脑、Linux、FreeBSD 和 Solaris)- 2006年6月发布

Opera 8.5 (for Windows, Mac, and Linux) - Released in September 2005.
Opera 8.5 适用于Windows、苹果和Linux)- 2005年发布

Opera 8 (for Windows) - Released in April 2005.
Opera 8 适用于Windows)- 2005年4月发布

About Opera

Opera Opera started out as a research project in Norway's telecom company, Telenor, in 1994, and branched out into an independent development company named Opera Software ASA in 1995.
Opera是挪威通信公司在1994年作为研究项目所开发的;于1995年作为名为Opera软件ASA(American Standards Association, 美国标准协会)独立的开发公司分支机构。

Opera Software ASA develops the Opera Web browser and is an industry leader in the development of Web browsers for the desktop and device markets.
Opera 软件ASA开发了Opera网络浏览器项目,并且,它是专门针对桌面和设备市场的具有行业领导地位的网络浏览器开发组织。

The Opera browser (known as "the third browser", after Internet Explorer and Netscape) has received international acclaim from end-users and the industry press for being faster, smaller and more standards-compliant than other browsers.

Is It Free?

Yes, the Opera browser is free! The earlier banner ads and the licensing fee are removed!!

Web Standard Compliant

When you make your Web site work in Opera, you can be certain that it is open and accessible. Simply write your pages in standards-compliant code, and your site will work in all major browsers and for all major platforms and operating systems.

Opera supports all major Web standards currently in use, including CSS 2.1, HTML 4.01, XHTML1.1, HTTP1.1, DOM 2, ECMAScript (JavaScript), PNG, WML 2.0, SVG 1.1 tiny, Unicode, and the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.
Opera支持当前使用的所有的网络标准,包括CSS2.1、HTML4.01、XHTML1.1、HTTP1.1、DOM 2、ECMAScript(JavaScript)、PNG、WML 2.0、SVG1.1、统一的字符编码标准、 采用双字节对字符进行编码的双向运算法则。

Opera Features
Opera 特性

Opera has automatic Popup Blocking. This if fine for stopping annoying popup ads, but not so good for sites using popup windows in a good way.

Tabbed Browsing is a modern and time saving feature. It makes it possible to view many web pages in one browser window.

Transfers Panel is Opera's download manager, with quick access to ongoing and recently finished downloads.
传输面板是Opera 的下载管理器,它可以快速访问正在进行的下载项目和最近已经完成的下载。

Opera's user interface is translated into multiple languages, and the language can be changed on the fly.

Opera has Customizable Toolbars, allowing the users to add and remove items as well as create new toolbars.
Opera 拥有自定义工具条,允许用户添加、删除工具条中的具体项或新建一个工具条。

By choosing between different Skins, the users can change the look and feel of Opera.

Opera has direct access to Google's "related pages" feature, available from the "Navigation" menu.

Double clicking on a word on a page will pop up a menu that provides options related to the selected text, such as a Web, dictionary or encyclopedia search.

Opera provides Web authors with immediate access to Page Validation, thus encouraging good practices on the Web.
Opera 提供了网络作者,它可以快速验证页面有效性,因此,这更有助于鼓励人们上网实践。

More about Opera

Opera Software ASA has been a privately held company - headquartered in Oslo, Norway - until they went public in March 2004.
Opera 软件ASA设立有自己的公司 - 总部在挪威首都奥斯陆 - 直至2004年3月公有化。

More information and Opera downloads is available at: www.opera.com.

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